Here again is an explanation, this time in markdown:

1. Bad

You can find the manual for Template [here][tt].

[ttt]: https://themanualfortt

2. Good

You can [find the manual for Template here][ttt].

[tt]: https://themanualfortemplate

Note that these are not the right URL, just some nonsense I put in.

In the bad example, jumping to the link would make my screen reader say

Jumping to the second would say 'find the manual for template here'.

You can understand the difference. In the first one I land on a link and
have no idea what is 'here'.  So then I have to move the cursor to read
(hear) what is here.

So for show notes submitted in markdown, as in HTML, it's down to the
author I guess, rather than Dave's gizmos.

On 25/08/2020 18:48, Dave Morriss wrote:
> On 25/08/2020 18:17, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
>> I think I have the same question as brian-in-ohio. I submit my show
>> notes in plain text, and to do this I just put the links in as plain
>> addresses. If there is a better way to do it, I need to know what that
>> way is.
> I most often process incoming show notes. If they are plain text then I
> turn them into Markdown. I wrote a Perl script (make_markdown) that
> recognises URLs, determines if they are pictures or not and rewrites
> them to be suitable for the Pandoc processor. I call the script from Vim
> which is my editor of choice.
> The links generated by this method in the final HTML look like:
> <a href="URL">URL</a>
> For my own shows I use Markdown and Pandoc and send in the HTML that's
> generated.
> Dave
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