I can help with Mentorship! Best way to contact me is freeload101@g...@il.com ( 
do not put this email on any forums or automated list ). I actually would be 
interested in audio command line processing ... I have issues with leveling so 
I would just need to do  research on that bit. I know I have some old eps I 
could use for POC of command line audio processing where there are really loud 
noises etc that could be leveled out ... Please contact me if you are 
interested in talking about the logic/approach/ideas for automated audio 
processing !! We can make it a show too if you like! I can think logic the 
steps would be:

* spider HPR first 30 seconds of audio for ( bad levels / frequency / noise  
etc ) 
* find the average level of audio for the entire stream* remove clip/pop/hiss 
and general nose reduction ( requires silence profile etc ? This could be done 
programmatically .. 1) remove all silence 0db 2) find longest area of lowest DB 
and make that the noise profile ? or combine a few of detected low DB's and 
stich them together to create a dynamic noise profile !?! )* level out the 
audio to that avg level* send audio to speech to text program for automated 
show notes !* manually review audio/show notes and repost the eps giving credit 
etc. Along with just text > speech audio from the bad audio ? ( not good for 
ESL or heavy accents etc folks sorry ) Mentorship:

* Free IT consulting via Jitsi.rmccurdy.com* Free IT/infosec Mentorship / 
training* just hit me up freeload101@g...@il.com 
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