B. Clarification of the two week scheduling guideline

Remove: "5. If you are uploading a series of shows, consider scheduling one every two weeks."

Add: "5. Under normal circumstances any host should only schedule one show every two weeks."

With regard to B. 2 Week Scheduling: This helps with keeping the queue stable, as it spreads out the free slots. This would not apply to special reservations, or guideline 2 "Always try and fill any free slots that are available in the upcoming two weeks." At the time of writing there are four weeks with no free slots, yet the four weeks after that are almost empty.

On 2022-05-01 15:17, Nigel Verity wrote:

While agreeing in principle with the "1 show every 2 weeks" limit perhaps the term "under normal circumstances" needs to be addressed.

Not really ;-) These guidelines are just that, we ask nicely but they have been happily ignored for the last 10 years. If a host wants a slot and they have a show then that's pretty much that.

Obviously when shows are in short supply that would be one such scenario, but when does that become recognised as an issue? Four weeks out, as now, it's probably not a problem but if the schedule were a void beyond next week, say, would it be deemed reasonable for a host to schedule 2 shows in a week to help fill the gaps?

Yip that's covered by the guideline to fill the free slots in the next two weeks. Also no problem if there is a special event that you want covered, or Interviews - they should also be out fast. So engage brain when scheduling.

Also, if there were a gap of a few days with no shows, but with others scheduled for later dates would you or Dave consider pulling some shows forwards to close the gaps?

No we don't mess with the scheduling - people get *very* annoyed if we did. If there are free slots, we ask people to fill them.

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