On 1/31/09, Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
> ying lcs wrote:
> > I have the following code which uses HttpClient to do a post request.
> > Can you please tell tell me what is a good way to test it? Can I
> > create a mock http server object for the test to run against?
> >
> > HttpClient cli = getClient
Joan Balagueró wrote:
Just a question about exceptions sending http requests.
If I set a very low value to
connectionTimeout), httpclient throws “SocketTimeoutException” with the
message “connect timed out”, but I expe
ying lcs wrote:
I have the following code which uses HttpClient to do a post request.
Can you please tell tell me what is a good way to test it? Can I
create a mock http server object for the test to run against?
HttpClient cli = getClient();
HttpPost method;
method = new HttpPost(url);
Joan Balagueró wrote:
I’ve just migrated the code from HttpClient3 to HttpClient4, and before
starting tests I’d like to make you some questions:
1. When I set the Schema “new Scheme("http",
PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80)”, what does it mean? It
Joan Balagueró wrote:
Hello Oleg,
Yes, I saw it, but I also saw "Returns a String that is suitable for use as
an application/x-www-form-urlencoded list of parameters in an HTTP PUT or
HTTP POST". PUT and POST, but it does not say anything about GET. But now I
suppose that this string is also su
Just a question about exceptions sending http requests.
If I set a very low value to
connectionTimeout), httpclient throws SocketTimeoutException with the
message connect timed out, but I expected to receive a