Just want to show the code in GGSSchemeBase.java where state is set to

*protected* *void* parseChallenge(

            *final* CharArrayBuffer buffer,

            *int* beginIndex, *int* endIndex)
*throws*MalformedChallengeException {

        String challenge = buffer.substringTrimmed(beginIndex, endIndex);

        *if* (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

            log.debug("Received challenge '" + challenge + "' from the auth


        *if* (state == State.*UNINITIATED*) {

            token = base64codec.decode(challenge.getBytes());

            state = State.*CHALLENGE_RECEIVED*;

        } *else* {

            log.debug("Authentication already attempted");

            state = State.*FAILED*;



Thank You.

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Deepak Mishra <dkmishra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to communicate to an internet URL through a proxy server. The Proxy
> Server is a “Squid Proxy Server version 3” integrated with Active Directory
> for authentication using Kerberos.
> I am getting “Proxy Authentication Required” error even when I specify
> correct AD domain user credentials for proxy authentication.
> On the other hand, Internet Explorer is able to communicate to internet
> websites using same proxy server.
> I am using HttpClient 4.2 and running my program on win2k3 sp2 machine
> using java 1.6 JRE.
> Please find attached a sample program, krb5.conf, login.conf and
> programOutput.txt (output of the program). Program output shows that the
> TGT has been found (line 26 in programOutput.txt)
> After debugging it seems to me that there are some problems in
> GGSSchemeBase.java
> In the method “authenticate”, it sets the state = TOKENT_GENERATED, but
> when “parseChallenge” method is called again by HttpAuthenticator, the
> state is set to FAILED. And finally the Auth State is set to “FAILURE” in
> “HttpAuthenticator.authenticate” method (line 125 to 130).
> Please help me in using Kerberos authentication with Proxy server.
> Thank You,
> Deepak

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