On Sep 7, 10:25 pm, Zoran Zorkic <zo...@gmx.net> wrote:
> On Sep 7, 10:11 pm, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> > Zoran Zorkic wrote:
> > > Got this after trying to blend a 360x180 from Hugin 2009.1.0.4263:
> > >enblend: unrecognized wrap-around mode "-f3000x1500"
> > > Probably becauseenblendwas called with "-w -f3000x1500".
> > yes, there are some changes in howenblend/ enfuse is called in 4.0
> > we will need to adapt this in Hugin - ideally with anenblend--version
> > to find out if we're using a "legacy"enblend-enfuse; and with the
> > Makefile adapted to theenblend-enfuse "generation" found on the machine.
> I think it could have been done more backward compatible way inenblend.

Yes of course it should be done backward compatible, actually I can
not see why there is a new command. Why not make Enblend working
properly with the current command for both ways. I can not see any
reason for having 2 commands.
As far as I know the -w command is the only command built in in any
stitcher, PTGui PTMac or Hugin.
It has to be backward compatible or you loose 90% of the users.


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