Am 02.05.2010 03:49, schrieb tobio:

I have a question about hugin. I wonder what geometric transformation
the cylindrical projection used?

Perhaps helps. Cylindrical projection maps the horizontal angle to linear distance and the vertical angle to tangent.

That is to say, I have generated a 360 degree panoramic Image from 6
images using cylinderical projection, and there is a point A(x,y)(x,y
are pixel coordinates) on the fifth image, how can I calculate its
coordinates A'(x',y') on the panoramic image?

Coordination transformation implies the transformation of euler (respectively Tait-Bryan) angles
which isn't trivial at all. And if lens correction is involved it gets even more complicated.

However, there is a special case: if all images are roll=0 and no lens correction was used, you can calculate the angles (from center) inside the source image using the appropriate formula for the input image projection, add them to the yaw (horizontal) and pitch (vertical) values of the image and transform them to image coordinates using the appropriate formula. Note that yaw and pitch are measured from the uncropped output image center.

If you simply want to mark special points in the output image it's far easier to place marks in copies of the input images, mask the background away and remap those images to TIFF output with the same project file you did the original remap. You get an image with same dimensions and transparently overlaid marks.

Erik Krause

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