Am Sonntag 27 September 2009 schrieb Yuval Levy:
> Hi all,
> I've tested again the CMake build for Enblend in Windows. First I wanted
> to see if it performs the same like it did the previous time, so I did
> not install the tools required to build also the documentation.
> I pulled / updated to the latest Hg.
> Cmakesetup complains (expectedly):
> CMake Error: Unknown Target referenced: doc1 and doc2
> this is because I have not yet installed the tools to generate the
> documentation.

I see. Will look, if I can omit error.

> It generates a project file.
> I double-clicked on enblend.sln. in the configuration manager I
> deselected doc0, doc3, and man (all documentation things). set it to
> Release. Closed and built the solution (F7).
> the relevant error messages are reported below. the Enblend CMake build
> is still broken.
> sorry for the bad news
> Yuv
> 2>vigra_impex - 0 error(s), 5 warning(s)
> 3>------ Build started: Project: enblend, Configuration: Release Win32
> ------
> 3>z:\store\s1tb\hugin_gsoc2009\hugin-sdk-20090509-win32\enblend\src\mask.h(
> : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'slist': No such file or

On unix, this is part of libstdc++-dev
#dpkg -S /usr/include/c++/4.3/ext/slist
        libstdc++6-4.3-dev: /usr/include/c++/4.3/ext/slist

I cannot help here.

> directory
> 3>enblend - 1 error(s), 2 warning(s)

.... Many errors ...

> std::_Lockit::_Lockit(int)" (??0_loc...@std@@q...@h@Z) already defined in
> msvcprt.lib(MSVCP90.dll)
> 4>libcpmt.lib(xlock.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
> std::_Lockit::~_Lockit(void)" (??1_loc...@std@@q...@xz) already defined
> in msvcprt.lib(MSVCP90.dll)
> 4>enfuse - 73 error(s), 6 warning(s)

I would say, it looks like the libraries were included more than once?

Sorry, again cannot help.

Kornel Benko

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