J. Schneider wrote:
> Hi all,
> I encountered a problem when I specified custom parameters for enfuse 
> via the button on the stitcher tab. I wanted different weights for 
> exposure, contrast, and saturation, therefor I entered
> --wExposure=1 --wSaturation=0.8 --wContrast=0.1
> The error message was:
> illegal option -- wExposure=1
> make: *** [2009-08-26 - 5473+0-4-5472_fused 10-08-01_fused.tif] Error 1
> So there was added a superfluous space between "--" and "wExposure".

not really, if I look a few lines above.

> Did I miss anything or is this a bug I should file in the tracker? (Is 
> there a separate one for enfuse?)

does it work if you enter --wExposure=1.0 ? if not, file a bug for 
enblend at <https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=123407&atid=696409>

thank you

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