
After some six or so years I'm about to stop maintaining Russian
translation of Hugin. I haven't done a single new panorama in about
two years and I'm not sure when I start doing it again, since
landscapes and architecture are simply not my forte and considerably
out of primary photography interests. I firmly believe that the only
way to make a good localization is to actually use the software, which
I simply don't do.

I've just sent Bruno an update that brings ru.po to 92,80% which makes
most of UI localized with exception of some recent features in the
batcher etc. There are a few places where plural forms implementation
is still missing, I'll file bug reports on that shortly.

If anyone is interested in supporting the translation, but doesn't
know where to start, I'm writing a localization workflow guide
targeted at translators. Feel free to ping me or just ask questions.

I'll be following evolution of Hugin nevertheless :)


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