Hello All,

I have been out of the loop for a few months and see that that a few things
have come into hugin trunk.  I believe I understand what the TrX, TrY and
TrX parameters are, however I thought there were some tilt parameters that
went along with them.

Looking at files optimze.txt and stitch.txt in the doc directory of libpano,
there are references to tilt parameters, but I think that is obsolete.
Checking out the Changelog file, there is reference to renaming the Tx...
parameters to TiX... parameters.  In the file parser.c of the libpano
project there are refrences to Tr[XYZ], Ti[XYZS], Te[0123], with the last
ones being test parameters.

I have two questions:

1. Are there now enough parameters in the model/GUI to perform corrections
to off NPP nadir images?
2. Do the parameters TiX, TiY, TiZ, Ts need to be added to the GUI?

Best Regards,

- Gerry

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