me again with some more confusion about options and settings.

I read in the new enblend/enfuse documentation 
thanks al lot for this!) about how to tune enblend's options to suit my 
2GB RAM system.
The documentation says
"To find out whether your version uses the image cache say
      enblend --verbose --version."
Unfortunately this gives an error
      enblend: illegal option -- verbose.
All other combinations with -verbose and -v and -version result in 
analogous errors.
My enblend is version 3.2 with a file date 16.03.2009 23:06 (windows 

If my enblend help text contains the options -m and -b, shouldn't it 
have this compiled in? If it is not compiled in then it should not 
display this help text.

Next question: I just want to try, so I specify in the preferences
-l29 -a -z -m512 -b1024.
When I stitch I can't see -m512 -b1024 in the commandline displayed in 
the verbose output window.
Next try: set the "Use alternative Enblend program" checkbox because I 
don't know if the arguments specified here are respected if the checkbox 
is not checked. After all the "Default arguments" line is indented as if 
it were only applied if the checkbox is checked. Same result: not passed 
to enblend.
Next try: put -m512 -b1024 additionally in the options dialogue box that 
can be accessed from the stitcher tab. Are these options project 
specific, do they add to those specified in the preferences (if they 
were respected at all), do they override the preferences, is this 
another way to access the same preferences that are accessed via the 
preferences dialogue? Anyway: The arguments are passed and there is no 
error message, so I believe it principally works. Now I have to test 
with more than a pair of tiny test images if they actually improve 
anything (in my case: responsiveness of the system while blending).

hugin 2009.2.0.4352 build by Ad.


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