Last night I did build from scratch and got 4 fatal compile errors. This
morning I build from scratch and got a new installer for hugin for Windows
Vista, you can find at

As attachment I do include two files:
1 hugin.iss the innoset installer compiler script - with some minor
modifications compared to the one at svn ... for example hard coded paths to
the directory with precompiled versions of autopano
2 build-hugin-installer.bat the automated build batch file (which doesn't
include updating autopano and libpano yet, nor compiling autopano) and has a
peculiar way to get the date and format it, which depends on the
localisation of your vista version - this one differs from the previous one
I posted tweaked to compile a 2009.2 version

As a precautionary note: both are script that depend on what is preinstalled
on the machine and depend on specific locations of files. So both scripts
are only examples and need some editing before it will work on your machine.

Ad Huikeshoven

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@echo off
set starttime=%time%
::    Automated build script to create an hugin installer for Windows Vista   ::
::                                 2009.2 release version                     ::
::    (C) 2009 Ad Huikeshoven                                                 ::
::    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    ::
::    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    ::
::    the Free Software Foundation version 2.                                 ::
::                                                                            ::
::    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         
::    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          ::
::    GNU General Public License for more details.                            ::
::                                                                            ::
::    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       
::    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   ::
::    This scripts check outs / updates a working copy of hugin source        ::
::    within hugin SDK with the Sourgeforge repository.                       ::
::    Subsequently configures with CMake,                                     ::
::    (re)builds using Visual Studio 9.0 2008                                 ::
::    and finalizes with Inno Setup creating                                  ::
::    an installer using a script written by Yuval Levy.                      ::
::                                                                            ::
::    The base of this process or 'script' was described                      ::
::    on hugin-ptx by Guido Kohlmeyer, please see                             ::
::    <>        ::
::    The installer_howto can be found in a file within the hugin-SDK:        ::
::    SDK\hugin\platforms\windows\installer  The hugin sdk can be found       ::
::    at <>                    ::
::    Script version: alpha 9 September 2009                          ::
::                                                                            ::
::------------------------notice etc.-----------------------------------------::
::                                                                            ::
echo build-hugin-installer  Copyright (C) 2009 Ad Huikeshoven
echo This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
echo This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
echo under certain conditions; see ^<^> for details.
::                                                                            ::
::                                                                            ::
echo Set assumptions
::    place *this* file in the root of the build directory tree               ::
::    so "..\hugin" should be source directory, if not edit next line         ::
::    and check existence of svn, cmake, vcbuild and iscc                     ::
::    and check place of svn, vcbuild and iscc                                ::
::                                                                            ::
set srcdir=..\hugin20092
set svndir="c:\Program Files\Subversion\bin"
set vcbdir="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcpackages"
set iscdir="C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 5"
::                                                                            ::
::                                                                            ::
echo Assert assumptions
if not exist %srcdir% (echo This file is misplaced or source directory not found
        goto end:)
if not exist %svndir% (echo svn commandline client not found
        goto end:)
if not exist %vcbdir% (echo Visual Studio command line build tool not found
        goto end:)
if not exist %iscdir% (echo Inno Setup command line compiler not found
        goto end:)
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=- " %%i in ('cmake --version') do set cmver=%%i%%j%%k
if %cmver% NEQ cmakeversion2.7 (echo CMake not found or incorrect version
        goto end:)
::                                                                            ::
::------start by checking out svn repository of hugin at
echo Start SVN update
:: as the script is run from the build directory,  svn commands should point  ::
:: to %srcdir% as displayed on the next line at the end                    ::
%svndir%\svn co ^
::---------------------set some variable to your name-------------------------::
::                                                                            ::
@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem enclosing variables with ! in stead of % works slightly better 
rem just plainly required in delayed expansion of variables
if exist hugin_builder.txt (
        set /p HUGIN_BUILDER= <hugin_builder.txt
) else (set /p HUGIN_BUILDER^
        =[Please enter your name to be set as the name of the hugin builder:]
        echo !HUGIN_BUILDER! > hugin_builder.txt
::---------------------set some variable to current date----------------------::
::                                                                            ::
:: format current day as yyyy-mm-dd to be set as build date
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=- " %%i IN ('date/t') DO set TODAY=%%k-%%j-%%i
::-------Have CMake configure and generate project/solution files-------------::
::                                                                            ::
echo CMake starts ...
cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" ^
echo hugin Builder and Build Date set through commandline options for CMake
::      official name is 9.0 but CMake calls it 9                             ::
::                                                                            ::
::---------------------Have Visual Studio build a solution--------------------::
::                                                                            ::
::      ms likes it's own naming of config, 'release' isn't ok,               ::
::      trying "Release|Win32", yeap, is running now                          ::
echo Start (re)build of hugin solution
%vcbdir%\vcbuild hugin.sln "Release|Win32"
::                                                                            ::
::---------------------Have Visual Studio build install proj------------------::
::                                                                            ::
echo Start (re)build of install
%vcbdir%\vcbuild/r/t install.vcproj release > ins.log
del ins.log
::                                                                            ::
::---------------------Prepare creation of outputfile-------------------------::
::                                                                            ::
echo Prior to creating a new setup file, empty output directory
::                                                                            ::
::               quietly remove any old setup file ...                        ::
::                                                                            ::
IF EXIST INSTALL\Output\*setup.exe (
        DEL/q INSTALL\Output\*setup.exe >del.log
        del del.log
) ELSE (ECHO No setup found, ok) 
::                                                                            ::
::---------------------Have Inno Setup compile an installer-------------------::
::                                                                            ::
::           script is hugin.iss in some INSTALL subdir - needs configuring   ::
::                                                                            ::
echo %cd%
::                                                                            ::
::    this one is gui "C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 5"\Compil32 /cc hugin.iss  ::
::    next one should be console                                              ::
::                                                                            ::
echo Inno Setup compiles an installer for hugin
::                                                                            ::
%iscdir%\iscc/Q hugin.iss
::                                                                            ::
::    rename the outputfile do something decent including SVN revision #      ::
echo Renaming outputfile
set /p HUG_REV= <..\%srcdir%\rev.txt
echo Incorporating SVN revision number %HUG_REV%
cd Output
ren setup.exe hugin-SVN%HUG_REV%-setup.exe
::                                                                            ::
cd .. 
cd ..
::                                                                            ::
::  got here with a complete installer first time 2009-04-11 14:20h UCT+1     ::
goto end:
set endtime=%time%
set /a hrs=%endtime:~0,2%
set /a hrs=%hrs%-%starttime:~0,2%
set /a mins=%endtime:~3,2%
set /a mins=%mins%-%starttime:~3,2%
set /a secs=%endtime:~6,2%
set /a secs=%secs%-%starttime:~6,2%

if %secs% lss 0 (
    set /a secs=!secs!+60
    set /a mins=!mins!-1
if %mins% lss 0 (
    set /a mins=!mins!+60
    set /a hrs=!hrs!-1
if %hrs% lss 0 (
    set /a hrs=!hrs!+24
set /a tot=%secs%+%mins%*60+%hrs%*3600

echo End     = %endtime%
echo Start   = %starttime%
echo Hours   = %hrs%
echo Minutes = %mins%
echo Seconds = %secs%
echo Total   = %tot%
set /p stop=quit? enter q

Attachment: hugin.iss
Description: Binary data

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