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From: Venugopalan K M <kmvenuan...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 9:27 PM
Subject: Is Manu Smiling? Parallel System of Administration of Justice
Spreading Beyond the Heartlands of the Khap Panchayats [EXCERPTs from
Contercurrents article by Pradeep Singh Attri - Caption Changed]

“Honouring Dalits With Blood”

*By Pardeep Singh Attri*


"...Recent days in district Muzaffarpur of Uttar Pradesh a women was raped
by her ‘father in law’ and ‘Khap Panchayat’ ordered she should accept his
‘husband as a son.’ In another district Saharanpur, 40 years old women was
paraded naked in village and ‘Khap Panchayat’ ordered to rape her 17 years
old daughter and people acted on the same lines. Police didn’t even register
the case. In Meerut district, almost same happened when inter-caste marriage

After two days of ‘International Human Rights Day’, on 12th December, 2009
while commuting death sentences of two persons involved in honour killings
‘Supreme Court’ accepted ‘caste’ as a ‘stark reality’ in honour killings
said “The ‘caste’ is such a concept that grips a person even before his
birth and does not leave him even after his death the vicious grip of the
caste, community, religion, though totally unjustified, is a stark reality.”

*"....Righteous Kill: Stark Realities*

It is estimated that every year hundreds of married couples are murdered,
are asked to leave the village, are asked to break their marriages and
accept each other as brother-sister, are paraded naked, and blackened their
faces by their families in order to regain/retain ‘family honour’, on the
ill-fated instructions of ‘Khap Panchayat’. And mostly those suffer in these
crimes are Dalits. The decisions about killing, burning homes, raping Dalit
women etc are taken by these “Khap Panchayats” collectively at the open
places without any fear. It’s not always the family of boy or girl (as
promoted by these ‘Khap Panchayat’) who kills or orders to kill but the
‘Khap Panchayat’ members plays an active role in executing rapes, murders.
If they (boy/girl) escape, their family members are being murdered/killed,
gang-raped or fined heavily."

Nothing happens to people like Mahendra Singh Tikait, farmer leader in
western Uttar Pradesh when speaking on behalf of ‘Khap Panchayats’ he
comments like ‘only whores chose their own partners.’ Why no action was
taken against him, who degraded the whole women society?

*Denying ‘Constitution’, Implementing ‘Manusmriti’.....*

"....Though everything is written so plainly in ‘Constitution’ of India
about the equal rights for everyone, irrespective of religion, caste, color,
creed, etc; even today after 60 years of Independence, ‘Khap Panchayat’ are
greatly influencing and are capable of petrifying people in the northern
region. By keeping ‘Khap Panchayats’ alive aren’t Government’s trying to
make Manu smile?...".

"..Lack of representation of Dalits in police, print media is also a severe
problem. Further, serious issue is of divisions among Dalits and lack of
able Dalit leadership in the region, people on the name of Dr Ambedkar are
fighting to prove that they are real ‘Karva Pullers’ of Dr Ambedkar, but
reality lies somewhere else! There is a strong need of active participation
of everyone including NGOs, police, Panchayat bodies and serious/strong laws
(not merely paper tigers!) against the crimes of ‘Khap Panchayat'...."


You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.



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