Through the media , even as Indian and Pakistan Intelligence assets weregiving 
their collusive version of events on TV  in discussions on TIMES NOW , it 
finally emerged when  G. Parthasarathy conceded, when questioned and confronted 
with facts , that Indian and Pakistani Intelligence Agencies ( ISI ) when he 
was confronted that these agencies  had joint meetings in the past in Thailand 
. Where does that leave the attack of 26/11 and the collusive versions given by 
both sides ...........would these two governments continue to have diplomatic 
contacts if a full scale attack of this kind had been organized ???????

No wonder it is said that 26/11 is like 9/11 ......... Further the 
assassination of lawyers appearing for the defence is the most open 
acknowledgement that the there are serious flaws in the train bomb blasts , in 
26/11 etc. Jt. Commissioner
of Police Mr. Hemant Karkare in any case proved by his detailed investigations 
that a series of blasts were the work of fascist right wing groups with 
linkages with organizations who had assassinated Mahatma Gandhi , so he was 
assassinated as his continuance as head of the Anti-Terrorist wing would make 
such frame ups impossible .Honest police officials are now dispensable . The 
Telgi scam among other incidents disclosed that honest officials were not 
required in Mumbai .

The assassinations are in themselves a give away on the weaknesses of the 
prosecution case, every member of the legal fraternity lawyers and Judges will 
now conclude that these trials are a frame up  . So what was sought to be 
concealed by the prosecution  has now  been exposed to the world at large that 
the lawyers had to be killed to conceal the truth .

Similarly Jt. Commissioner of Police Hemant Karkare's assassination exposed 
that since his investigations had revealed the truth of who was planting the 
bomb blasts in many parts of Maharashtra, Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh and other 
regions , he had to be killed .

     As of now the citzens are incensed with government , that they are 
indifferent to their safety as people of all religious groups and castes are 
dying and injured in the bomb blasts which it is the duty of the Police and 
Intelligence Agencies to prevent . Confidence in political parties and  
governance is declining  with no one trusting the explanation of state agencies 
. The Judiciary of course knows the implications of the assassination of police 
officials and of lawyers during the course of a trial , the conclusion is 
inescapable .

Incidentally it was reported that the President of Pakistan has substantial 
property , assets and bank accounts abroad in two countries . How independent 
is then the policy of Pakistan ??????

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