In addition to what we said at the meeting, I’d like to mention that what the
draft is proposing seems to be a subset of what SD-WAN vendors are doing. I
apologize in advance for using the terms NSF and SD-WAN gateway interchangeably.
For those not familiar, Wikipedia has a so-so article abo
At the recent NFVRG meeting on Monday, Michael (in Cc:) made a rather
interesting presentation on the security assumptions for NFV, that I think can
be very useful for understanding the scenario for attestation and trust for an
I2NSF platform. I plan to use it as input for the attestation d
Thanks to all the I2NSF authors for participating in the I2NSF Side meetings
this week to resolve differences and merge some drafts ( 3 hours Wed afternoon
for the NSF facing interface drafts and 1.5 hour this morning for the Client
Facing Interface drafts). Your time and effort will make our