G'day Vipul,
For the bouncing addresses, keep the list and after the election give
it to the membership and elections committee; they are responsible for
maintaining the membership list. The list you provide will help them
do their job.
For the results, I thought what was sent was the result of
Hello folks,
Good to see everyone can vote and the election is going fine. We did have
technical difficulty at the start but I am working on resolving that.
We did have a number of email addresses of the members bounce as their
alias didn't exist (About 30+). I would request if you do know of any p
Hi Harshith,
Only members of the Sugar Labs community are able to cast a vote.
You can read about applying for membership here
On Thu, Jan 16, 2020, 4:44 AM Harshith Pvs wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I'm new to sugar labs community, though I've
Hello everyone!
I'm new to sugar labs community, though I've been following this
forum/mailing list from over a month. I've not received any mail with slob
election link yet. I've checked thoroughly all my inboxes (spam too) and
searched for it as suggested in above mail.
Do I need to contribute a