On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 11:39 AM, James Simmons <nices...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right now the FLOSS Manual "Make Your Own Sugar Activities!" is
> available on the FM website, as a bound and printed book from Lulu, as
> a free PDF download from Lulu, and in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats on
> the Internet Archive.  I'd like to add the Kindle Store to this list.
> I would price it at 99 cents, and in the Introduction I would add some
> text explaining where the book could be downloaded for free, so if
> someone got a free preview from the Kindle store he would not be
> required to pay the 99 cents unless he wished to.  The profits from
> these purchases, if there are any, would go to me.  If Oprah chooses
> the book as one of her Favorite Things I might be persuaded to share
> the windfall with Sugar Labs and/or FLOSS Manuals.  Don't count on
> this happening.
> The Amazon Kindle uses the MOBI format, and it will be a fair amount
> of work for me to convert the EPUB I can get from Booki to what Amazon
> requires.  Among other things I need to create a cover image and a
> Table Of Contents with links, plus I need to clean up the page
> formatting.  I will not change the licensing of the book or use DRM,
> but I WILL put my name on the cover image and other places as
> appropriate.  I will use a new cover image because the picture used on
> the bound and printed book was given to me by the artist with the
> understanding that I wouldn't be making any money on the book.
> Right now if you look "One Laptop Per Child" on the Kindle Store you
> get three items returned.  If what I propose to do works well it might
> be a good idea to get other FLOSS Manuals, especially OLPC and
> Sugar-related titles, on there as well.

Great idea!

And I definitely hope Oprah discovers and subsequently tells the world about


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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