How are you feeling like for a continent-wide event/activity?

The goal would be that, in one month, 1.000.000 articles and other
media area added, and/or edited, improved, classified, in community
wikis, especially Wikipedia

How does that sound?

(note, I am focussing on this as primarily an ES language activity,
and thus mostly aiming at ES wikis and such, yet all are welcome to
participate) See and improve link below

El 01/02/12, Yamaplos . <> escribió:
> ¿Cómo se sienten para lanzar un evento continental?
> el objetivo es llegar, en un mes, a 1,000,000 nuevos artículos y
> media, cambios, mejoras y adiciones a wikis comunitarias,
> especialmente Wikipedia
> Apunto a abril ¿sería?
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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