Selamat kepada Ketum IAGI yang baru Pak Rovicky, semoga IAGi semakin jaya !!
Salam anfad From: Yanto R.Sumantri [] Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 3:23 PM To: iagi-net Cc: Rovicky Putrrohari Subject: [iagi-net-l] Hasil Pemilihan KETUM Rekan rekan Saya mendapat informasi bahwa hasil Pemilihan KETUM di menangkan oleh RDP . Hasil pemungutan suara sbb: RDP - 306 LH - 302 MS - 133 Kartu suara yang rusak 14. Selamat kepada Ketua Umum yang baru , dan selamat bekerja., saya yakin LH dan MS akan tetap berada dijajaran terdepan dalam mendukung Ketua yang baru. si Abah -- _______________________________________________ Nganyerikeun hate batur hirupna mo bisa campur, ngangeunahkeun hate jalma hirupna pada ngupama , Elmu tungtut dunya siar Ibadah kudu lakonan. ________________________________ Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail ________________________________ ***** This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this message or any information herein. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by responding to this email and then delete it from your system. BOB PT. Bumi Siak Pusako - Pertamina Hulu is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt. *****