ini tampaknya om sinartio salah menuliskan imil milis ini.
kalo adalah imil sekretariat iagi, pak.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: iagi <>
Date: Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 2:09 PM
Subject: FW: [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking
To:, mohammad syaiful <>


*From:* Franciscus B Sinartio []
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 22, 2010 2:05 PM
*Subject:* Re: [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking

Dear all,
Please let me rewrite some point that Waluyo made (and I made in other

1.  Sidoardjo mud has much higher density and viscosity than the oil, gas
and brine from the Maconda well.

2. The volume of the mud in Sidoardjo is bigger than the volume of filtrate
that flows out in Maconda.  the pressure is also different.   In Maconda,
the filtrate is flowing from pores of the reservoir.  while in Sidoardjo,
the mud is flowing from the mud diapir itself.  mud diapir does not have
matrix rock.

3. Evidence from the field shows that there is several escape points of the
mud to the surface.  It is not flowing from the well head only.

4. There are two mobile mud in the area.  The Kalibeng, the shallow one and
the Oligocene/Eocene age mud.  At the beginning, the mud that flowed to the
surface is the kalibeng mud (from analysis of the mud), then later it is
observed that even Eocene age mud was flowing out.
It means that somehow the Eocene mud has been flowing to Kalibeng mud zone
(or at least we can say they are connected).
The pressure of the Eocene mud can not be hold by the overlying sediment on
top of Kalibeng mud.  That is why there is several escape points to the
somebody can argue that the drilling of BP-1 that cause the connection of
the two muds,  maybe it is right, but we need to show evidence.

5.As Waluyo said, the Kalibeng mud has been made it to the surface in
several location in East Java long long time before BP-1 was spudded. the
sacry thing is if the Eocene mud flows to the kalibeng mud in that location.
I hope it is not happening,  and maybe one way to prevent it is to let the
mud flow to the surface where it is flowed right now.  This is not a good
plan for people around Sidoardjo right now,  but we have to think about it
and make what if scenarios.  Probably this is not a good idea but, this is
one of what if we have to consider and calculate, and probably make a model
to see if this is really going to happen.

6. this point I am mixing facts with my interpretation as geoscientist, and
the memory I have from evaluation that I made in late 90s.  At that time,
Huffco/Lapindo Brantas  wants to farm out some of their share, and I have to
make evaluation  of the area for another oil company.  Banjar Panji
"structure" has been recognized at that time.
and there is split of opinion about the "build up" structure  whether it is
reef build up or mud volcano.
Seismic Stacking velocity  was used to cehck this.   It was only 2D seismic
data.  The velocity profile shows decrease in interval velocity, as we would
expect if it was a reef with gas.
However, at that time we also notice that the interval velocity stays low
until quite very thick interval.
This phenomena gave us doubt that it was reef with gas.  However, I have to
admit the velocity picking in that part is not very good.
We did not farm in in that block for economic reason, because we did not
count Banjar panji as reef with gas.
I suspect that the drilling has reached this  mud  diapir,  but from the
press release of EMP, they said they have not reached that.


Please do not say government and the professional societies has not made
attempt to stop the flow.
Government has spent a lot of money to try some methods until it is realized
that we can not stop it anymore.
Professional societies have been discussing this formally and informally
using real hard data and

If we really wants to help, please leave out the political issue from this
discussion, and please talk what we can do to help preventing the mud to
destroy environment more and to prevent from the area to collapse.
Somebody earlier mentioned a method to cope with the collapse surface of the
This kind of discussion might be able to help us.

Another discussion that can help is about how to make the limit of the mud
flow in the surface.
We can start with the contour of the surface.  I am sure making elevation
maps is not difficult with the data that exist.  or even making new
measurement will not take long time.
then make computer simulation to make "limit" of the lateral flow in the
surface in our attempt to flow it to the sea.
We can not fight and restrict the mud flow,  we just have to flow it to the

I know a lot of people will object on this, especially the ones that has
land that will be affected by this plan.  but sooner or later the mud will
reach that land (from simulation result)
and also a lot of  fishermen will be affected by this.

It is a complicated situation right now, but the worst thing will happen if
we mix it politics.

let us have a discussion to help improving the understanding of the nature
there, so our friends from engineering side can make their design to prevent
Sidoardjo from sinking.

best regards,
frank sinartio
geoscientist, NOT politician.

pf.   I am cc ing this email to IAGI-net, since there is alot of people
there with more data and experience and have been involved in preventing the
sidoardjo sinking or stop the mud flow.   We also have made a lot of
discussion about this in this mailing list.


*From:* "" <>
*Sent:* Wed, September 22, 2010 3:13:49 AM
*Subject:* Re: [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking

Yes bi, you're absolutely right, no one ever really intended to make it


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*From: *boga isa <>

*Sender: *

*Date: *Tue, 21 Sep 2010 18:54:23 -0700 (PDT)

*To: *<>

*ReplyTo: *

*Subject: *Re: [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking

Pak Waluyo...,

You can say anything about the mud vulcano theory that saying this mud
vulcano can not be stopped.

However, you will never know the theory is true or not until you make an
action to stop it (prove it).

The problem is, no one ever really make an action. You may say, some people
did in the past but that's not true.




*From:* Waluyo <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 22, 2010 8:03:19
*Subject:* RE: [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking

There is no such technology approaches can be used to terminate the
Sidoardjo Mud flow. Nowadays it must be considered as natural disaster (I do
not intend to discuss the past circumstances). The fracture pattern is
complicated and unpattern, no tools can detect this. The fracts are
interconnecting in the surrounding potential new fract fissures. What will
happen is the surrounding areas will sink up to 200 – 300 meters and shape a
bowl geometry with diameter of around 4 – 6 km. This prediction is based on
the similar mud volcanoes laid the east-west shale overpressure belts from
Purwodadi in the west to Madura Island in the east (Kesongo, Bledukuwu,
Porong ). The difference is the sinking periods, the normal (natural) mud
volcanoes in term of origin vary from 500 - 800 years, did not affect social
life due to slow/ little mud flow debit, even the surrounding population can
adapt the situation and make benefit of it by using mud, sulphur material
for making bricks and medicines (like what we see in the Dead Sea), while
Sidoardjo Mud Volcane, based on the very speculative simulation, it will
take 70-year-flow of mud with very high debit and affect social life
significantly, because of mud rapid flow. I suggest the focus now is just
concentrated on the surface plans.

Mud volcanoes in southern East Java is absolutely different for oil leaks or
gas kicks in the driliing operation, this cannot be comparable.


*From:* [] *On
Behalf Of *
*Sent:* 21 September 2010 20:09
*Subject:* Re: [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking

It's my opinion about sidoardjo accident, it's not only subsurface condition
but its technical failure when completion activity or cementing its not
well. Regards

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*From: *"Jean Michel Attal" <>

*Sender: *

*Date: *Tue, 21 Sep 2010 16:48:35 +0700

*To: *<>

*ReplyTo: *

*Subject: *Re: [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking

What this article has to do with Sudiarjo guys ???

BP well had a subsea BOP problem.....that impeached the well to be
shutdown... someone really know what is the well and its subsurface

 ----- Original Message -----

*From:* Relief Lapindo <>

*To:* Oil and Gas Professional <>

*Sent:* Tuesday, September 21, 2010 4:05 PM

*Subject:* [oilgasprof] Can We Seal Lapindo Well To Stop Sidiardjo Areas
from Sinking

* *

*Cement flows for permanent plug of BP's Gulf well*


*Published:* Sep 18, 2010 13:50 *Updated:* Sep 18, 2010 13:50

*NEW ORLEANS**: Crews pumped cement into BP's blown-out oil well thousands
of feet below the sea bottom Saturday, working to finally seal the runaway

Engineers initially had planned to pump in mud before the cement, but a BP
spokesman said that wasn't necessary because there was no pressure building
inside the well.

BP expects the well will be completely sealed — and declared permanently
dead — sometime Saturday, five months after the catastrophe began April 20,
when an explosion killed 11 workers, sank a drilling rig and led to the
worst offshore oil spill in US history.

The cement couldn't be pumped in until a relief well drill nearly 2.5 miles
(four kilometers) beneath the floor of the Gulf intersected the blown-out
well, which happened Thursday.

The relief well was the 41st successful drilling attempt by John Wright, a
contractor who led the team drilling the relief well aboard the Development
Driller III vessel.

Wright, who has never missed his target, told The Associated Press in August
that he was looking forward to finishing the well and celebrating with a
cigar and a quiet getaway with his wife.

"I am ready for that cigar now," Wright said in an e-mail Friday to the AP
from aboard the DDIII.

The Gulf well spewed 206 million gallons of oil until the gusher was first
stopped in mid-July with a temporary cap. Mud and cement were later pushed
down through the top of the well, allowing the cap to be removed. But
officials will not declare it dead until it is sealed from the bottom.

BP PLC is a majority owner of the well and was leasing the rig from owner
Transocean Ltd.

The oil spill was an environmental and economic nightmare for people along
the Gulf Coast that has spawned civil and criminal investigations. It cost
gaffe-prone BP chief Tony Hayward his job and brought increased governmental
scrutiny of the oil and gas industry, including a costly moratorium on
deepwater offshore drilling that is still in place.

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