23-04-2005 18:23 

We, the Heads of State/Government of Asian and African
countries, gathered in Jakarta, Indonesia on 22-23
April 2005, expressed our profound grief at the losses
of lives and livelihood caused by the earthquake and
tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean on 26 December

We are cognizant that the earthquake and tsunami
disaster is a strong reminder that our two continents
are bound together, in that the impact of the
devastation was jointly felt by the peoples in both

We noted that this natural catastrophe had generated
an unprecedented scale of international response,
assistance and empathy. In this regard, we commended
the leading role of affected countries and the
valuable contributions of the international community,
including the Asian-African countries, in addressing
the recent earthquake and tsunami disaster by
collectively assisting in emergency relief efforts as
well as in reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. 

We pledge to encourage the continued development of
appropriate measures pertinent to disaster reduction,
mitigation and management, which will be supportive of
the outcome of the Special ASEAN Leaders Meeting on
Aftermath of Earthquake and Tsunami held in Jakarta on
6 January 2005.

We also took note of the outcomes of various
initiatives to address tsunami and other natural
disasters, inter alia the World Conference on Disaster
Reduction held in Kobe; the Ministerial Meeting on
Regional Cooperation on Tsunami Early Warning
Arrangements held in Phuket; the Africa Regional
Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction of the Third AU
Summit held in Addis Ababa; and other international
conferences under the auspices of the United Nations,
including the World Summit on Sustainable Development
held in Johannesburg. 

We realized that natural disasters such as earthquakes
and tsunami tidal waves respect no political borders
and pose a major threat to all people as well as their
livelihood and environment, as their unmitigated
impact and aftermath undermines the progress of social
and economic development.

We recognized the expertise and experience of
countries in the Indian Ocean Rim and the Pacific Rim
in addressing the problem of tsunami and earthquake
disasters and therefore emphasized the urgent need to
invest in the development of proactive, integrated,
multi-hazard and multi-sectoral standby arrangements
and early warning system to mitigate natural disasters
in the Indian Ocean Rim.

To these ends, we are determined to: 

1. Establish an integrated strategy for the
development of a multi-nodal early warning system with
mechanisms for preparedness, prevention, mitigation
and response, with a view to minimizing casualties; 

2. Establish and upgrade national early warning
systems, including those that are based on community
participation, while moving towards enhancing
cooperation in the development of a coordinated
regional system;

3. Explore ways and means to enhance the effectiveness
of collective actions through consideration of
possible rapid response capacities at the regional and
international levels by inter alia establishing a
standby arrangement for disaster relief and emergency
response, creating networks for information exchange,
establishing research and database centers, maximizing
the use of the latest advances in science and
technology, and developing strategies to reduce the
risk and impact of natural disasters; 

4. Reinforce efforts to create among all levels of
Asian and African societies a culture of disaster risk
reduction and empower those at risk to achieve
protection against disaster impacts by way of
enhancing capacity building, promoting public
education and awareness as well as community
participation in disaster prevention and mitigation;

5. Encourage greater interaction among experts from
Asia and Africa in finding practical ways and means,
as well as sharing best practices and experiences, on
preparing Asian-African countries for the direct
impact of disasters and possible secondary effects
such as on public health and environmental crises;

6. Encourage the international community to continue
efforts to provide disaster affected countries with
technical and financial assistance, including in
rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts.

We are determined that, harnessed within a spirit of
compassion, sacrifice and endurance, our preparedness
and capacity to proactively address the affects of
tsunami, earthquake and other natural disasters will
prevail to the future betterment of our peoples.

Jakarta, 23 April 2005

--- Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sabtu, 23/04/2005 20:24 WIB
> SBY Resmi Tutup KTT AA
> KTT AA resmi ditutup Presiden SBY. Hasilnya
> Dekralasi Kerja Sama
> Kemitraan Strategis Baru AA serta pernyataan bersama
> mengenai gempa
> dan tsunami.
> =========== source detik.com ==== cut
> Adakah yg punya info apa isi pernyataan bersama ttg
> tsunami dan gempa tsb ?
> -- 
> Education can't stop natural disasters from
> occurring, 
> but it can help people prepare for the possibilities
> ---

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