Mungkin paper saya dibawah akan menjawab mengapa ada perbedaan liniamen basemen 
antara North, Central, dan South Sumatra basins, juga malah cekungan lainnya. 
Mereka terpisahkan oleh keberagaman basemen oleh keberagaman umur order2 yang 
mempengaruhinya : Jurasik, Kretaeus, Cenozoic.


Sunda plate Development in Earth's plate evolution with Kalimantan as Anticline 
center History 
By: Maryanto, 17 February 2005.

SALAM ("Seven to the n-th power of ten Annum Long of Age and Minor cycles") 
theory shows Pangaea hemisphere is centered in AAN ("Anticline of Arabian and 
Nubian shield"). AAN would rotate 7 full cycles clock ways in a centre point 
M(~50 E ; 0 N) during 7 Ga of Solar system life.   Pangaea evolution in order1 
(700 Ma) cycle is convergence from Cambrium to PermianTriassic reducing 
Pangaea's radius hemisphere and then divergent up to percent. Two cyclone 
tectonics located between Pangaea and Panthalasa on the equatorial magnetic are 
Caribbean Sea in the west and Banda sea in the east. This Divergence from 
PermianTriassic up to now as an extensional movement order1 affected the Banda 
Sea has moving east ward relatively to the AAN on about equator traverse.

Sinusoidal cycle movement order2 (70 Ma cycle) resulted stratigraphy named  
Cambrium, Ordovician, SilurDevon, Carboniferous, Permian Triassic, Jurassic, 
Cretaceous, and Cenozoic dated from 557 Ma and initiated every further 70 Ma 
for the following sequences. Subduction and volcanic arch seems present in each 
of the se order2 sequences. Subductions from extensional movement 
PermianTriassic to present could easier be reconstructed then these that has 
been over printed as a resulted from Cambrium to PermianTriassic divergence 
seen in Katili 1985 for the Sunda-Sohul platforms.  Malayan-Bangka-Kalimantan 
is as the anticline trend of PermianTriassic in the Sunda Platform. Subduction 
of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Cenozoic are both side parallel away from this 
trend with respective ages. This Pangaea extensional resulted IndiaAustralia 
platform moves NNE ward, EurAsia moves eastward, and Pacific moves westward, 
and caused East Cyclone Tectonic move eastward with anti clock ways ratation, 
and move a part of EurAsia plate east ward becomes the Sunda platform.   In 
this order1 extensional movement resulted Sunda anticline are fractured with 
domino type fault and subside this anticline from about 7 km elevation to about 
1 km at present, and becomes the Sunda Geanticlinorium resulted from the order2 
extensional-compression Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Cenozoic movement. This Sunda 
anti clock ways moved the Sunda anticline trend and then borders basin of 
Sumatra to North and Central in the north of current Dalu-Dalu-Tigapuluh 
High-Bangka-Kalimantan trend, and also borders basin on this southern trend to 
the Sunda - NW Jawa - Biliton, and EastJawa-Madura-Northern Nusatenggara 

Sunda plate meet with oceanic plate of IndiaAustralia may cause so thin 
sediment of Cambrium to Cretaceous in the Sunda plate, while Sohul plate meet 
with continental crust and has thick sediment from Cambrium up to present in 
this platform centered in the east cyclone tectonic Banda Sea which covers 
Papua, Maluku, and Sulawesi. Both Sunda and Sohul platforms remains high 
potential hydrocarbon resulted from sandy compression sediment and shally 
extensional sediment movement in every order2 and higher orders.

This paper was made after mostly lecturing contribution that then is 
abbreviated to SDEKAH: 
§       S: Soejono Martodjojo, Prof.; Sapeei, Benny, Dr.; Sigit Sukmono, Dr.; 
           Asikin, Prof.; Dr.; Supriadi Arif, Drs. ; Soeripto, Ruskamto, MSc.; 
           Munadi, Dr.
§       D: Djuhaeni, Dr. 
§       E: Emmy Suparka, Prof. Dr.; Eddy A. Subroto, Dr. 
§       K: Koesoemadinata, R.P., Prof. Dr.; Karsani Aulia, MSc., Kartono Sani, 
§       A: Agus H. Harsolumakso, Dr.; Alit S. Sakaria, Dr.; Abdulloh, Chalid 
Idham, Dr; Asep, MSc.
§       H: Hang Ling, Ong, Dr.; Hutasoit, Lambok, Phd.; and specially for 
Heidrick, Tom, Dr. who accepted and suggest my theory to SALAM Geodynamic 
Calendar, and thanks also to Muhammad Iwan Tadjuddin, Prof., Yahdi Zaim, Dr.
And also marked my bellowed "cantrik" in Exploration CPI: 
SDEKAH: Suhirmanto/Setiawan; Dudy; Edy; Kuntadi; Ahmiyul; Hendarmin, in my 
effort to support ("sdekah" sebagai amal saleh) for science and potential 
AAN is a love name called by his parents Mas Karsani Aulia from whom I got most 
support to get theory of SALAM-SDEKAH-SALEH. AAN is also my bellowed call name 
to my one son: N.P. Kusumandaru.

-----Original Message-----
From: Minarwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Nimbrung Pak,

Ada sebuah argumentasi bahwa pre-existing structural weaknesses di basement 
akan relatif lebih berperan dalam mengontrol pola struktur yang terbentuk 
belakangan jika stress yang bekerja di tempat itu adalah compressive stress, 
sementara itu konon, untuk extensional structures pre-existing structural 
grains ini tidak selalu menjadi pengontrol.

-----di setip -----

Pendeknya, pola struktur SW-NE di Sumsel itu mencerminkan pola akresi basement 
terrane (dan deformasi pra-Tersier sesudahnya) di bawahnya. Saya pernah 
mengkaji hal yang sama untuk East Java dan Barito Basin. Kata kuncinya : 
Konfigurasi basement pra-Tersier akan menentukan structural grain Paleogene.



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