Thanks Herman,
aku juga baru baca yg lebih baru di AAPG bulletin Febr 2003.

Tucker F. Hentz and Hongliu Zeng, 2003, High-frequency Miocene sequence stratigraphy, 
offshore Louisiana: Cycle framework and influence on production distribution in a 
mature shelf province, AAPG Bulletin. 

Dan ini salah satu yg secara eksplisit menyebutkan dicovery (? and produced) dari 
reservoir yg berupa third order Lowstand System tract di Gulf of Mexico.


>Anda pernah menanyakan mengenai low-stand delta di IAGI-net. Di Brunei kita lihat ada 
>potential tapi selama ini belum pernah sukses. Ada related paper sbg reference:
>Hart, B. S., Sibley, D. M. & Flemings, B, 1996, Reservoir compartmentalization by 
>depositional features in Pleistocene Shelf margin (Lowstand) delta comples, Eugene 
>Island, Block 330 field Lousiana Offshore, AAPG studies in Geology No. 42.

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