

Sebagai info - Semarang's Gold Workshop (SEG/ MGEI/ IAGI) terinfokan juga.


Salam - Daru



From: Society of Economic Geologists [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:28 AM
Subject: Upcoming SEG Courses in 2009


Upcoming SEG Courses in 2009 - Opportunities to Retool! 

All course descriptions, registration forms and contact information may be
downloaded from the SEG Events page at   <> 


   <>   Joint SEG workshop and field
trip with Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) and Ikatan Ahli
Geologi Indonesia 

Gold Deposits: New Developments and Exploration 
When: 11-12 October, 2009 (Sunday-Monday) 
Where: Gumaya Tower Hotel Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia 
Plus: 14-17 October, 2009 field trips to Batu Hijau, Tujuh Bukit or Way


  <>   SEG Short Course - PRE

Environmental Geochemistry Applied to Metal Mines and Their Remediation 

When: 17 October, 2009 (Saturday) 
Where: Hilton Portland & Executive Tower Hotel, Portland, Oregon, USA 


    <> SEG Field Course - POST GSA 

Geology and Geochemistry of Uranium Deposits of the Southwestern Colorado
Plateau Region 

When: 21-26 October, 2009 (Wednesday-Monday) 
Where: Course begins and ends in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 



                              Joint SEG-CSM Short Course

Gold in Metamorphic Terrains 

When: 11 December, 2009 (Friday) 
Where: SEG Course Center, Littleton, Colorado, USA 


All course descriptions, registration forms and contact information may be
downloaded from the SEG Events page at   <>   


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