XMIT manager

2011-04-28 Thread Bytnerowicz, Krzysztof
Radoslaw, Very simple, I preallocated my PS ages ago, use something else for ad hoc transfer between z/OS, z/VM PDS and PC, use XMIT once or twice a year for archiving entire PDSes. In other word: laziness. Thanks and regards, Krzysztof

XMIT manager

2011-04-27 Thread Bytnerowicz, Krzysztof
Jags, Use TSO XMIT command to export the PDS, or selected members into the z/OS sequential dataset, I prefer the pre-allocated one (PS,FB,80,3120 or another multiplier by 80). Download the resulting dataset to the PC specifying binary mode. Open it using XMIT, it will present you with the ISPF-like

BCPii Sample code - is there any?

2010-07-14 Thread Bytnerowicz, Krzysztof
I understand that IBM is preparing the presentation for the coming SHARE meeting. -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the

BCPii return code x'301'

2010-07-13 Thread Bytnerowicz, Krzysztof
Dave, I am running 1.11, HWICIASM expanded shows the request codes as I use them, so at least at the Macro level, I am consistent with 1.11. Thanks and regards, Krzysztof (Chris) Bytnerowicz CA Technologies Senior Software Engineer Sydney Development Lab Tel:  +61 2 88982673 Fax: +61 2 9429 2

BCPii return code x'301'

2010-07-13 Thread Bytnerowicz, Krzysztof
I am testing BCPii interfaces in Assembler. As I stumbled on something I do not understand, I created the simplified code illustrating my problem. The logic is as follows: - HWICONN -connect to local CPC, CPC netid is known, it connects OK. - HWILIST - List Images, lists all the images known. - Cha

BCPII and Top Secret

2010-07-04 Thread Bytnerowicz, Krzysztof
Bob, Try the following, changing CPC SNA to your particular configuration, note this is READ access only, change to your taste: RDEFINE FACILITY HWI.APPLNAME.HWISERV UACC(NONE) RDEFINE FACILITY HWI.TARGET.IBM390PS. UACC(NONE

Windows based, programmer's hex calculator

2009-05-04 Thread Bytnerowicz, Krzysztof
I started to use DreamCalc, scientific version some time ago. The cost is modest, US$ 15.99. http://www.dreamcalc.com It supports hex calculations in both normal and RPN mode. It supports 32 and 64 bit operations. Using 64 bit floating mode gives sign-less arithmetic. Lots of functions and conver