Hi, in connection to this topic another question comes to my mind:

for IMS there was a connection between the names of the descriptive and the physical APARs, which depends on the used FMID. For IMS V8 it was like this:
PK...  leads to DK... for FMID HMK8800
PK...  leads to VK... for FMID JMK8802
PK...  leads to GK... for FMID JMK8803
PK...  leads to WK... for FMID JMK8804
PK...  leads to XK... for FMID HMK8805
PK...  leads to JK... for FMID HMK8806

Does anybody know, where to get this table for IMS V9 ?

Jürgen Kehr schrieb:

AFAIK the prefix AK... was never used for PTFs instead is was used for (physical) APARs, which means a possibly installed temporary fix. This AK.. correspond to the (descriptive) APAR PK..., to which you'll find some information in IBMLINK. There it's better you use PK... instead of AK... Depending on the second letter some (physical) APARs like AY... correspond to other (descriptive) APARs here OY... I would be happy to understand the full logic behind this ... Barkow, Eileen schrieb:
AK.. items were just ptfs before cics started using UK.. ids for ptfs. either that, or they were just like temporary fixes for the real UK
The AK items seem to have been sup'd by the UK items.
just check out an individual AK item on IBMLINK.



Freundliche Gruesse / Kind regards

Dipl.Math. Juergen Kehr, IT Schulung & Beratung, IT Education + Consulting

Tel.  +49-561-9528788  Fax   +49-561-9528789  Mobil +49-172-5129389

ICQ 292-318-696 (JKehr)




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