Greetings all, (cross-posted to IBM-MAIN & RACF-L)
I am once again updating my presentation on the FACILITY class and its many resources. (If you are unfamiliar with my presentation, a copy is available on our website via the RACF Center webpage.) I've come across a set of FACILITY resources for the IBM product HOURGLASS (acquired from Princeton Softech) which are not documented in the product's manual. The resources are HOURGLASS_CX_ADMIN, HOURGLASS_CX_USER, and HOURGLASS_CX_REFR. Two of them are mentioned in APAR PK89016, which indicates these resources are documented in the AGGCXT1 member of the product's SAGGSAMP library. I would greatly appreciate someone assisting me with my research of these resources by providing me with a copy of this member. I want to ensure I properly describe these resources and the access permissions they require in my presentation. Please reply directly to me. Regards, Bob Robert S. Hansel Lead RACF Specialist RSH Consulting, Inc. *** Celebrating our Twentieth Anniversary *** 617-969-8211 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012 RACF Training - Audit for Results - Boston - OCT 30 - NOV 1 - Securing z/OS UNIX - WebEx - JUL 31 - AUG 2 - Intro & Basic Admin - WebEx - OCT 15-19 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN