'sfunny how things go 'round.

In September I was unhappy with my ISP and I asked
for advice on alternatives. Which I got, and I'm
now down to two contenders. (Thanks to those who
passed on suggestions and personal experiences.)

But, before I actually move my website, I decided
it was time for a major overhaul: I originally
began by using MicroSoft Front Page, and it worked
for getting my site up pretty quickly.

But as I've learned more about HTML, I started
looking at the generated pages from Front Page and
I was pretty appalled: really ugly. And if I
used the Front Page editor to make changes, when
I saved the changed page Front Page would revert
to its style.

At the same time I've started to explore HTML5,
which, while not yet a standard, seems destined to
be the preferred markup for the web. Many browsers
support most of the features already, and the
direction the RFC is taking looks to be really nice.

So I've just done a major overhaul of our website: used
Notepad (and my colleague Hunter Cobb helped, using
Notepad++) to rewrite over 350 pages in HTML5 with
no Front Page garbage and my preferred style of
indentation and markup. This also gave us a chance
to change some styles, improve some layouts, fix broken
links, rewrite some of the prose, and so on. Fun.

Most of these changes have been moved to my current
site location for testing. All re-written pages have been
validated using the W3C's HTML validation tool (pretty
cool: http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_upload )
and most have been checked using five different browsers.

But I have not been able to check the pages on small
monitors, monitors with different resolutions, and on
older browsers. Just too much.

So here's my point: if you have the time and inclination,
I would appreciate any feedback / problems with our
website. Just get to http://www.trainersfriend.com and
poke around. Let us know of any problems:

* Links that don't work

* Layout that doesn't look right on your system
  (tell us your browser name and version, and
   screen size and resolution)

* Typos

* Badly written prose

We'll also be happy to hear any suggestions for improvements.

Probably best if you reply directly to me, off list, which
is why I set the reply-to back to me instead of to the list.

Thanks for any time and effort you can put into this on
our behalf.


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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