The z390 v1.4.01 release is now available for download from  
with 11 new ASSIST and 226 new z10 instructions.  For details and download 
link for Windows XP/Vista and Linux visit: 
Highlights of this release include:
1.       The ASSIST extended instructions which simplify I/O for use by 
students learning mainframe assembler have been added at the request of 
Northern Illinois University representatives attending SHARE.  See z390 
ASSIST online documentation here: 
A new sub-directory named assist with regression test and demo programs has 
been added.  To run the first ASSIST demo program enter the command:   

2.      The 226 new machine instructions for the IBM z10 mainframe 
announced on February 26, 2008 during SHARE have been added.  Initial z390 
testing indicates that the new z10 compare and branch instructions can 
improve z390 performance by 15% compared to equivalent compare 
instructions followed by branch on condition instructions.  The previous 
support for move with optional specifications has been expanded to support 
lengths greater than 4k.  The new translate and test extended instructions 
support interruptible test translation in forward or backward direction for any 
length using any one of 4 different translate table sizes 256, 512, 64k, or 
128k.   The new IBM Principles of Operation V6 PDF manual describing these 
new z10 instructions plus all the previous z9 instructions supported by z390 is 
Examples of all these instructions can be found in the optional rt  download 
directory with z390 regression test programs:
a.  rt\test\TESTINS1.MLC – assemble and verify assembled formats for 1095 
b.  rt\test\TESTINS2.MLC – test program state instructions up through z9
c.  rt\test\TESTFP1.MLC – test HFP and BFP 32, 64, and 128 bit floating point 
d.  rt\test\TESTDFP1.MLC – test DFP 32, 64, and 128 decimal floating    point 
e.  rt\test\TESTINS3.MLC – test new z10 problem state instructions

3.      The first z390 proto-type millicode instruction SQXTR has been added 
to perform DFP extended precision square root since this instruction was not 
included in the new z10 instructions.  There are existing HFP SQXR and BFP 
SQXBR corresponding instructions.  The SQXTR instruction is implemented 
using macro mac\SQXTR.MAC which generates code to call linklib\SQXTR.OBJ 
statically linked CSECT with instructions to calculate DFP extended precision 
square root using DFP instructions.  For example usage see the ZMFACC 
Mainframe Assembler Coding Contest problem #12 solution 3 for DFP extended 
precision standard deviation calculation.  To assemble, link, and execute the 
DFP solution using SQXTR Millicode type instruction enter the command:  
ASMLG mfacc\P12DSH3.  To see other contest problems and solutions 
submitted including new problem #18 performance benchmark of new z10 
compare and branch instructions, visit the contest website: 

4.      The z390 linker has been enhanced to automatically search in the 
directory for unresolved external references when the autolink option is on 
which is the default.  This is used to support the above SQXTR proto-type 
millicode instruction code.

5.      This full release includes the VSAM KSDS insert support using AVL 
balanced trees that was first released in PTF v1.4.00e.  For the online 
documentation on z390 VSAM support visit: 

6.      There are also a number of bug fixes in this release resulting from RPI 
problem reports from z390 users (keep those bug reports coming):
a.  The macro processor has been updated to correct computed AGO pseudo 
code bug potentially causing error when the pseudo code is executed  
b.  The macro processor has been updated to support EXEC CICS statements 
with comments
c.  Linux BAT command processor written in Perl has been updated to  support 
usage of the ECHO and IF EXISTS commands in BAT files.
d.  Correct the emulator to handle negative value in RX type instruction x2 or 
b2 register or RS type instruction b2 register which effectively subtracts 
from the calculated target address or shift count prior to turning off the high 
bits of effective address  (previously the high bits were turned off before 
subtraction occurred).
e.       A number of fixes have been added for floating point support and the 
corresponding regression tests have been updated.  It is also worth noting 
that there is a pending RPI 821 targeted for v1.4.01a PTF release to correct 
z390 internal HFP DH caching design flaw.  The format for DH 64 bit type 
values will be changed from using Java native double value to using BigDecimal 
class in order to prevent loss of 4 bits of mantissa precision since double has 
52 bit mantissa versus the required 56 bits.  It will be a bit slower but it 
will be 
correct and will also support pending RPI 767 to fully support HFP un-
normalized instructions (all results are currently normalized).
f.       A side benefit of implementing the new z10 rotate and select bits 
instructions is that the existing RLL and RLLG rotate left instructions have 
been updated to use new faster rotate functions which simply perform a left 
shift, right shift, and an OR to accomplish the rotate for int or long java 
variable.  The result should be a significant improvement in speed for RLLG. 

7.      Finally this version has been built and tested on J2SE 1.6.0 update 5.  
For new users please remove all prior versions of J2SE and all previous z390 
releases including deleting the install directory which may have generated 
not deleted by the InstallShield uninstall process.  Then install J2SE 1.6.0_05 
runtime and z390 v1.4.01.  The J2SE JDK is only required if you want to 
recompile java sources and rebuild the single z390.jar executable file.
Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this release by testing PTF 
releases and reporting any bugs found.  There will no doubt be some additional 
bugs resulting from all the new code in this release which has increased the 
z390.jar file from 328k for v1.4.00e  to 340k for v1.4.01.  Please send any RPI 
bug reports using the online form:
If you would like to view the actual Java code for any of these new 
instructions, you can use notepad or your favorite editor to open the z390 
emulator source directory file src\ and search for the name of any 
instruction such as “TRTE” etc.
As always any and all comments and feedback are welcome.  
Don Higgins

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