Under the covers a lot of native code gets called which I don't think
is offloaded to Ziip. Yes It's absolutely interesting using Java on Z. Take
care of the UTF to EBCDIC translations.
On Thu, 11/23/17, Munif Sadek wrote:
Thanks Todd. I think you are referring to CVDG which is what I had used but
didn't yield the expected results. Splitting a 128bit binary integer into 2
64bits and then a CVDG didn't convert it as expected. I will probably try that
out again. I used Java Big Integer for a simple 128bit arithmeti
anyone is working with the
vector instructions on z13 please IM me.
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I think thats the way it's supposed to be used, you can try using putty if you
want to. Are you on real iron or zPDT ?
On Tuesday, November 22, 2016 10:22 AM, venkat kulkarni
Thanks for reply. Sorry for not being clear. Basically I want to use SSH
with port 22 duribg acc