In times past it always meant the single line above.
Jim Horne
-Original Message-
Well - I've been reading SYSUDUMPs for a long time, but I've never found a
pretty precise description of the various pieces of the dump.
The newer z/OS doc seems to just want to point you to IPCS, but I ra
The policy is indeed in XML, FB 80 with a block size of 27920 (not that block
size should matter). Looking at the raw data, it looks to continue to the next
line at 80 bites so I believe there are no carriage returns or line feeds
anywhere - but I don't know XML, and I need to not just
Thanks, Mark, that gives me starting point.
Jim Horne
Mainframe Services
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
Mark Jacobs
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019 1:45 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Can you update WLM
Respectfully, I disagree, especially since you mention REXX. Using the WORD
function, parsing is a snap. If word 1 is NONVSAM, word 3 is the dataset name.
If Word(line_read,1) = 'NONVSAM' THEN gdgent = WORD(line_read,3) ;
The last 'gdgent' filled in will be the last GDG. How does it ge
As long as you want to generate the JCL programmatically, look at using the TSO
LISTCAT command with the LVL option and processing the output.
Just a thought;
Jim Horne
John McKown wrote:
I just don't see any _simple_ way to do this. I need to convert the
gdgbase(0) into gdgbase.GVnn
The information on structures is in SMF 74.4 data. You should be able to run
RMF, or MXG or other software that can read SMF records and get the information
you want.
Jim Horne
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I always go into SDSF with an option, i.e., SDSF.DA. If you do that, you don't
see the pop-up
Jim Horne
-Original Message-
Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?
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WLM Service Definition Formatter has been replaced by zOSMF according to IBM
Jim Horne
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* = a single qualifier
** = 0 or more qualifiers
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf
Of Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 11:53 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] How many asterisks to change a ligh
Does anyone know if IFASMFDP supports large tape block sizes - those greater
than 32760?
Jim Horne
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