Check out the latest version of PDSEGEN which you can download from <> 


This tool is getting great feedback as a tool that makes PDSE Member
Generations accessible and usable.  


Try it - You'll Like It :)


The updates are: 

  Version 3.7   August 2, 2016
     - Exec changes
       GNAME      - ISPF Edit command (macro) added based on suggestion
                    from John Kalinich.
                    * Use in PDSEGBAK PDS on backup member to find
                      real member name and generation information
       PDSEGEN    - Update to change the color of the sorted column
                    Thanks to a suggestion from Bruce Koss
                  - allow sort field-name order (order = a or d)
                  - add new SET command to change line selection S
                    action (browse, edit, or view)
                  - Remove Control Display Save/Restore as not needed
                    in some places
                  - Changed to use NEWAPPL(PDSE)
                  - Support SORT ? as a command to display the SORT
                    popup information
                  - Add C command to change to a different dataset.
                  - If Find in a backup pds use alternate find
                    routine Thanks to John Kalinch
       PDSEGENS   - Add base_color and sort_color defaults
       PDSEGFND   - New exec for find within backup PDS
     - Panel changes
       PDSEGENT   - Update for dynamic colors for sorted columns
       PDSEGHBR   - Update for new GNAME command info
       PDSEGHF    - Update to add command abbreviation
       PDSEGHFS   - Update to add command abbreviation
       PDSEGHR    - Updates to restrictions
       PDSEGHT    - Add FTP to the list of restrictions
       PDSEGHU    - Added to document unsupported products
       PDSEGH0    - Updated for PDSEGH8
       PDSEGH10   - Renamed from PDSEGH15
       PDSEGH11   - Added for the C command
       PDSEGH2    - Update to add command abbreviation
       PDSEGH4    - Update to add command abbreviation
       PDSEGH5    - Update to add command abbreviation
       PDSEGH6    - Update for sort order
       PDSEGH8    - Added for SET command help
       PDSEGH9    - Added for Validate command
       PDSEGSET   - Added for SET command



Lionel B. Dyck <><
Website:  <>

"Worry more about your character than your reputation.  Character is what
you are, reputation merely what others think you are." - John Wooden



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