Re: search a file for 2 character strings

2010-01-15 Thread Jack Woehr
Wilson, Roger wrote: I am trying to write a rexx exec that counts the number occurrences of 2 strings of characters. Copy it over to Linux and grep '[C|N]798' myfile.txt -- Jack J. Woehr# Reality is unpredictable, and no amount of computer technology

Re: Moving on: The University of Maine (System) shuts down mainframe

2010-01-04 Thread Jack Woehr wrote: Is that the future for the mainframe ? // The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labor which he taketh under the sun?

Re: Freeware 3270 emulation on Windows XP to connect to z/VM

2009-11-10 Thread Jack Woehr
Richard Troth wrote: As John said, X3270 is free-of-charge and comes with CYGWIN. Second the motion. X3270 is masterpiece polished over more than a decade. The author still responds to email. Scripting enabled, printer enabled, you're home. -- Jack J. Woehr# «'I know what it

Re: Freeware 3270 emulation on Windows XP to connect to z/VM

2009-11-10 Thread Jack Woehr
McKown, John wrote: What sucks for me is the font and keyboard handling. Selecting a font is a royal pain. 'Tis, 'tis. But simplicity is a virtue when software is single-maintainer. The result of hewing close to the X toolkit is that X3270 continues to work and doesn't take lurches with

Re: SHARE blog.

2009-09-03 Thread Jack Woehr
Rich Smrcina wrote: Nice set of articles, Jack. Thanks! Mainframing deserves more media coverage than it gets. As folks pointed out, it's about delivering the goods and services that make the industrialized world tick, whereas the sexy side of computing, the pervasive and annoying web

Re: SHARE in Denver --- LVM Call for session chairs!!!

2009-08-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Rich Smrcina wrote: SHARE 113 in Denver is now less than three weeks away! I totally missed this was happening. I'm in Denver and would like to blog for Dr. Dobb's about same. I checked the SHARE website and see no link that hints at press passes. Any tips? -- Jack J. Woehr# «'I

Re: z/VM 6.1 - IBM Preview Letter..

2009-07-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Ethan Lanz wrote: The first release of each version is necessarily Release 1. To people who learned programming from Rexx. To those of us who use assembler, Forth, C, Java, it would be Release 0 :) -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to time. It's like

Re: z/VM 6.1 - IBM Preview Letter..

2009-07-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Schuh, Richard wrote: Only if you are counting bits, bytes, words, etc., and then only if it is an offset you are counting. Who thought of using offset instead of ordinal numbers, anyway? The Almighty started on the zero'th day. After he did his work, the earth was without form and void,

Re: z/VM 6.1 - IBM Preview Letter..

2009-07-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Ethan Lanz wrote: At which point it was released as Day 1! :) You win! -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to time. It's like # working out at the gym, you sweat a lot, don't get # anywhere, and you fall asleep

Re: Old address cleanup

2009-06-09 Thread Jack Woehr
Burton, Randy wrote: Very strange - why would the darn thing have waited 6 months, then sent 66 of the autoreply messages? Go figure! It didn't wait six months. It has been periodically crying for help on this list for a some time. I've posted jokes about it before. It decided it wasn't

Re: Eliminating screen-scraping

2009-05-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Ackerman wrote: If you have PVM, the MPVM component is quite a powerfull tool to automate screen emulation. And SMAPI (since you can extend it) is the ultimate automation tool! -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to time. It's like

Re: How long is YOUR signature/disclaimer?

2009-05-12 Thread Jack Woehr
Dave Wade wrote: 1. Access to personal e-mail is blocked in the office. 2. Disclaimers are added to all e-mail leaving the company by the firewall... 3. Attempted to circumvent these policies is a dismissible offence /Disclaimer Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail, and any

Re: Secure FTP

2009-04-05 Thread Jack Woehr
Dave Jones wrote: If you are asking if Linux as a guest of z/VM can write records to a CMS file, the answer is no. Or am I completely missing your query? Linux can, of course, create 'record' files (using, say, CRLF as the record boundary delimiter) to files in a Linux file system. Nobody's

Re: Secure FTP

2009-04-05 Thread Jack Woehr
Dave Wade wrote: Well Linux expects a directory structure so normal CMS disks aren't easily accessed, I can think of one or two ways to model that to Linux. and the protocols used to access the BFS and SFS file systems are proprietary, so that not easily achieved either Has whining

Re: Secure FTP

2009-04-05 Thread Jack Woehr
Dave Wade wrote: Please don't run salt in the wounds of history, Well, seeing as there are at least a couple of IBM characters here, I was more trying to rub salt in IBM :) I mean, making it easier to use the blessed machines in real life probably means they'll be used more. -- Jack J.

Re: Secure FTP

2009-04-05 Thread Jack Woehr
Richard Troth wrote: The latest source is at I hope this helps. So there is the start of one but a) doesn't write and b) it doesn't groove with the new Linux kernel model for file systems, did I get you right? -- Jack J.

Re: Secure FTP

2009-04-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Ackerman wrote: Perhaps don't want to request additional software and call attention to their use of FTP to move data from Unix to CMS to do their batch processing. Can Linux on Z write record files directly to minidisks? -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from

Re: Randy Burton: last day at Wachovia 12/19

2009-03-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Randy Burton wrote: I will be out of the office starting 12/19/2008 and will not return until 01/01/2010. This place is haunted. -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to time. It's like # working out at the gym, you sweat a lot, don't get

Re: OT: Neat Documentation

2009-03-02 Thread Jack Woehr
Scully, William P wrote: In this day of Word (Ugh!), HTML, and OpenOffice (among others) I'd like to find a document template or CSS (Style Sheet) which will render my local doc in a manner visually consistent with IBM's documentation. IBM's documentation nowadays is visually consistent with

Re: lOGON WITH OUT ipL'ing

2009-02-06 Thread Jack Woehr
Bob Bates wrote: Well depending on if you get the VM READ before the PROFILE runs, just enter AC ( NOPROF. If you don't get the read LOGON userid NOIPL, the IPL CMS, the AC ( NOPROF. I'm having the opposite of a senior moment (or something). Here's something I never knew: Is that why the

Re: lOGON WITH OUT ipL'ing

2009-02-06 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael Coffin wrote: The hang you are referring to is the VM READ that occurs after you IPL CMS, right? Yah, you and Richard Schuh have confirmed what dawned on me finally today :) So why does CMS alternate between VM READ and RUNNING if I just sit there popping CR's into the terminal? My

Re: lOGON WITH OUT ipL'ing

2009-02-06 Thread Jack Woehr
Bob Bates wrote: Yup, that pretty much covers it. If CMS wasn't running, you'd have to keep hitting enter to see if any messages arrived, etc. (Anyone remember using the old tty interface? I had an exec that would SLEEP so I would get messages and allow me to enter some commands) Is this

Re: lOGON WITH OUT ipL'ing

2009-02-06 Thread Jack Woehr
Mike Walter wrote: That usually happened right around April 1. ;-) It also, briefly, as long as people remembered, resulted in better security protocols; no unattended logged on terminals for a while. Until next year. One of the criticisms usually levelled at the mainframe community

Re: BNZ deploys Red Hat's Enterprise Linux 5 on IBM System z mainframes

2009-02-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Daniel P. Martin wrote: Alternate URL, not requiring Jack's authentication credentials: Argh. Of course, Thanks. -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to time. It's like

BNZ deploys Red Hat's Enterprise Linux 5 on IBM System z mainframes

2009-02-04 Thread Jack Woehr
BNZ deploys Red Hat's Enterprise Linux 5 on IBM System z mainframes -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to time. It's like # working out at the gym, you

Re: Correcting Statements From Marketing

2009-02-03 Thread Jack Woehr
Dean, David (I/S) wrote: What is the difference between a computer salesman and a used car salesman? The car salesman knows when he's lying. You know about the woman who on the honeymoon evening of her fourth marriage said, Be gentle with me, I'm a virgin. How can that be? asked her groom,

Re: Randy Burton: last day at Wachovia 12/19

2009-01-31 Thread Jack Woehr
Randy Burton wrote: I will be out of the office starting 12/19/2008 and will not return until 01/01/2010. My last day with Wachovia is Friday, December 19. After that, you can reach me personally at: TV Miniseries have been successfully pitched from less pithy

Re: Linux Guest 'swapping'

2009-01-28 Thread Jack Woehr
Mark Post wrote: My experience isn't that it's the CPU cost of the paging I/O. It's more that Linux, like any other virtual storage operating system, can get into a thrashing mode, and all the kernel is doing is lots and lots of memory management. The system runs at 100% busy, and nothing

Anybody using PigIron ?

2009-01-16 Thread Jack Woehr
PigIron the Java client for z/VM SMAPI has been downloaded many times. I'm not getting any user feedback. It would be nice to hear from anyone who is using PigIron, even if it's only, I can't get the @^#! thing installed! After the PigLet Servlet and the Builder (currently released) the next

Re: VM UnZip question

2009-01-15 Thread Jack Woehr
Burch, Aubrey D Mr CIV US DISA CDB24 wrote: I'm not certain, but I think PKWARE dropped VM/CMS support last fall, so you might not be able to get new copies or keys. Your Linux images have a perfectly functional unzip ... -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to

PigIron 0.9.5 released

2009-01-11 Thread Jack Woehr
As posted on slashdo, With release 0.9.5 of PigIron, PigLet, the PigIron Servlet now features the forms-based Builder web application. PigIron provides the client for IBM z/VM SMAPI and PigLet serves that client capability up in JSON

Re: Leap second

2008-12-30 Thread Jack Woehr
Cal wrote: Anyone doing anything special for this :-) I did not do anything in 2005. I have a lot of VM systems and Linux servers that will have to be changed :-D Maybe the oscillator drift will take care of it. Or does it drift the other way?

Re: z/VM V5R4.0 Information Center - December 2008 edition

2008-12-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Ackerman wrote: I have tried to use these, and found them very frustrating. ?? Weird. Table of contents on left. Search engine above it. View panel on right. Almost every reference site in creation works that way, though not all use Frames to do it. My big annoyance is that every time

Re: z/VM V5R4.0 Information Center - December 2008 edition

2008-12-18 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael Forte wrote: The z/VM V5R4.0 Information Center on the Internet has been updated Having spent since August with my nose buried in the Information Center for 5.3 and 5.4 I have to say, very nice. Not that there was too much wrong with the more colorful 1990's-style pages produced from

Re: PTF providing CMS based SSL support

2008-12-09 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: When it is available, it will drag along five additional PTFs, two for TCP/IP and three for CMS. You will need all six to make it go. Sounds like compiling Linux 390 from source and installing it might be easier than getting SSL on CMS :) -- Jack J. Woehr#

Re: Virus Software for z/VM

2008-11-26 Thread Jack Woehr
Thomas Kern wrote: I would not want something like McAfee or Norton that run all the time looking at all the files, interfering with all work. I would want something like CLAMAV which will scan what I want, when I want and NO MORE. Why not just NFS share your SFS disks and let the workstation

Re: Virus Software for z/VM

2008-11-26 Thread Jack Woehr
Thomas Kern wrote: NFS was not allowed when we designed the process. NFS is still not on Cyber-Security's list of approved processes. If I were tasked to change this process today, I would move the storage and webserving to a linux server on an IFL after I get CLAMAV working there. But that kind

IBM Invests In MySQL/Oracle Competitor

2008-11-24 Thread Jack Woehr IBM Invests In MySQL/Oracle Competitor I was thinking when Sun bought MySQL, Is IBM going to run out and buy Postgres? Postgres is very nice, at some technical levels way cool from MySQL. I've used both many times. You care if

Re: z/VM 5.4.0 CMS commands are now mixed case

2008-11-18 Thread Jack Woehr
Ray Waters wrote: This is not the case. I am in Term Mode VM. How many lowercase EBCDIC characters can dance on the head of a pin? -- Jack J. Woehr# Sen. Obama has achieved a great # thing for him and for his country. # - Sen.

PigIron 0.8 released

2008-11-17 Thread Jack Woehr
PigIron 0.8 released PigIron is a Java class library implementing the client specification for the IBM z/VM Virtual Machine Operating System Systems Management Application Programming Interface (sometimes called VSMAPI). -- Jack J. Woehr# Sen.

Re: Message transport services

2008-11-09 Thread Jack Woehr
Robert J Brenneman wrote: My first approach would be to build a linux service machine that takes JMS input and converts it to either: 1) a SMAPI call if you've already enabled SMAPI management of your VM systems This is very easy in PigIron. Just parse the message and instance the PigIron

Re: Verify from z/VM that a Linux guest is up

2008-11-07 Thread Jack Woehr
Huegel, Thomas wrote: I don't know much about LINUX, but if it has a TCP/IP stack running, how about just a simple PING from a CMS to the LINUX? Ping doesn't prove that it's ready for multiple interactive logins. The IP stack comes up before everything is running. -- Jack J. Woehr

Re: I/O Overhead - z/VM versus VMWARE

2008-11-05 Thread Jack Woehr
Paul Raulerson wrote: VMWare ESX imposes roughly the same overhead here as z/VM, about 3% of the processor, and of course, it allocates memory on a virtual basis. Now, the workstation versions are far more demanding, taking up to 35 or 40% of the processor; as far as I know, there is really

Re: Virtual machine 'escape'

2008-11-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Dennis Boone wrote: VM's advantages would appear to be: 1. Many years of refinement. Especially a convergence of the processor architecture with the software ideal. 2. Less knowledge of its internals in the broad public. This is a weakness, not a strength. It's like staying healthy by

Re: Recycle yourself

2008-10-30 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: There is nothing built into z/VM that does what you want. You'll have to build it. Sounds like an afternoon's work. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle! # - Zippy the Pinhead

Re: Message transport services

2008-10-29 Thread Jack Woehr
David Boyes wrote: Well, JMS is a Java thing, so CMS-only solutions are pretty much out. Did the MQSeries client for CMS die? MQ is very nice. You'll probably have to write an app that uses SMAPI to create the userids. Jack Woehr's pigiron gadget will make that a lot easier. Here's a

Re: TN3270 for Apple's iPhone....

2008-10-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Dave Wade wrote: Mocha have been doing a tn3270 for other devices for ages, e.g.:- But no free version Maybe someone will port x3270 or one of the other free terminals to the soon-to-be open-sourced Symbian OS -- Jack

Re: The latest Virtualization Cookbooks are published

2008-10-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael MacIsaac wrote: The latest Virtualization Cookbooks are now published IBM Redbooks, not drafts. They are: Very nice books! -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle! # - Zippy the Pinhead


2008-10-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: Jack, I think you're talking about a CPU that executes Java byte codes - that doesn't require any external JIT. No, rather I was just wondering if a JavaOS optimized for z/VM might be useful and even pratical. It seems theoretically that one could be written


2008-10-22 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael Donovan wrote: As was mentioned several times earlier, if you want JAVA support on VM, you should install a Linux guest and use the up-to-date levels on there. Java itself is a virtual machine. Maybe a z/Java guest someday? -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

Re: z/VM 5.2.0 on z10

2008-10-20 Thread Jack Woehr
O'Brien, Dennis L wrote: There's nothing in 5.3.0 or 5.4.0 that we MUST have. SMAPI was carried over gnarly RPC through 5.2 .. After 5.3 it's vanilla TCP sockets. So if you ever want to use PigIron to automate guest provisioning (or anything else) from


2008-10-17 Thread Jack Woehr
Florian Bilek wrote: Does a JAVA VM for z/VM (CMS) exists? Only asking for curiosity to play around. 1.1.4 for OpenVM. Bye CMS. Hello Linux and Java 6. :) -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle! # - Zippy the Pinhead


2008-10-17 Thread Jack Woehr
Rich Smrcina wrote: There was (is?) a Java for VM. It was stabilized at the Java 1.4 level. I don't know if it will run on current z/VM releases. Did it ever get to 1.4? I thought it was 1.1.4. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle!

Re: z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-11 Thread Jack Woehr
Rick Troth wrote: Back to BSD ... There have been no less than a half dozen Unix for the mainframe, not counting the EBCDIC animals USS and OpenVM. Up to now, all have been very ATT-esque, so a Berzerkeley port would be refreshing. If anyone wants to continue the discussion on a dedicated

Re: z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-10 Thread Jack Woehr
David Boyes wrote: to move to either Intel or Z virtual machines so that they could completely eliminate an entire hardware platform Ah. Been in an machine tool factory or IKEA recently? We're actually seeing an uptick in OpenVMS now that it runs on reasonably inexpensive Intel hardware.

Re: z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-10 Thread Jack Woehr
Jack Woehr wrote: Hmm. I've been thinking of writing a blog everything's a virtual machine. You've convinced me to do so! -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-09 Thread Jack Woehr
z/OpenBSD -- wibni? I'm bcc'ing Theo de Raadt ... he'll probably scold me, justly, for not having ported the kernel myself already, but really, I don't know enough to be confident that I would finish that

Re: z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-09 Thread Jack Woehr
David Boyes wrote: z/OpenBSD -- wibni? Yeah, it would. I just don't think anyone's got the spare time to spend on something that has even less commercial support than Linux and OpenSolaris. The justification for doing both Linux and OpenSolaris had to do with mindshare and commercial

Re: z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-09 Thread Jack Woehr
David Boyes wrote: If we do another native OS port, I'd be more interested in bringing i5OS Already virtualized on its own platform, sounds rare and kinky to duplicate that on the 390. AIX Died a slow and natural death on the mainframe in the 1980's. OpenVMS would be even more attractive

Re: Process or tool to verify linux/oracle environment under vm

2008-10-09 Thread Jack Woehr
Robert J McCarthy wrote: We are looking to implement a tool or develop a process for use by the Operations staff to use to check the availablilty of our linux guests running under vm. Absolute Performance's System Shepherd monitoring agent runs under Linux/390. I supervised the port.

Re: z/OpenBSD -- wibni?

2008-10-09 Thread Jack Woehr
Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote: On Thu, 9 Oct 2008, David Boyes wrote: Yeah, it would. I just don't think anyone's got the spare time to spend on something that has even less commercial support than Linux and OpenSolaris. Lot's of consulting hours to sell to migrate Sparc people to z aeh linux and

Re: Need some help with REXX EXEC

2008-10-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Rich Smrcina wrote: Doesn't the SMAPI deactivate just do SIGNAL SHUTDOWN? You tell me :) I write the Java / OORexx bridge (PigIron) on the PC side. Never read the Rexx code that makes up that part of SMAPI. Yet. Guess I'll go LOGON and take a look! -- Jack J. Woehr#

Re: Need some help with REXX EXEC

2008-10-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Rich Smrcina wrote: Doesn't the SMAPI deactivate just do SIGNAL SHUTDOWN? Besides, I'm a PC-opensource-Unix hack, and I'd definitely go the ssh route by instinct and habitude. Let me tell you, my mainframe buddies, shutdown now to Unix means Shut the $%^ down RIGHT NOW. :-) -- Jack J.

Re: Need some help with REXX EXEC

2008-10-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Scott Rohling wrote: The shutdown happening isn't a function of being on the mainframe .. If Linux is configured properly - the SIGNAL will amount to a 'shutdown -h now'. Then Linux will shutdown, regardless of logged-in users, processes running, etc., though the exact time required to do so

Re: Need some help with REXX EXEC

2008-10-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Quay, Jonathan (IHG) wrote: In inittab where you catch ctl-alt-del is where you define the action on Signal Shutdown. To log off the virtual machine after a halt, use vmpoff=LOGOFF in your IPL parameters. - Cool, was wondering how that all was tied together. Makes sense. -- Jack J. Woehr

Re: Performance question

2008-09-29 Thread Jack Woehr
Dean, David (I/S) wrote: My SLES 10.1 zLinux servers have been notorious for not making much use of the swap space, even when we lower the main (virtualized) in the USER DIRECTORY. Linux uses extra memory for file cache buffers. When the kernel detects memory is short, it just allocates

Re: Performance question

2008-09-29 Thread Jack Woehr
Dean, David (I/S) wrote: Thanks to all for some really good input. So the tuning legend that the Linux should just touch swap is true? But if Linux is going to eat all for file caching, would it not Always eventually swap? Swap and file caching are two sides of the same thing. In

Re: Performance question

2008-09-29 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: On Monday, 09/29/2008 at 01:41 EDT, Jack Woehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Linux kernel for running on VM could be designed a little different from Linux kernel for PC in order to behave better with VM. I'm not sure to what extent it actually is different

Re: z/VM V5.4 Information Center link bug (RESOLVED)

2008-09-29 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael Forte wrote: We have corrected the link bug in the z/VM V5.4 Information Center. You should now be able to use the URL at the bottom of each page to create a bookmark or to use as a direct link to a specific topic in the information center. Awesome, thanks. -- Jack J. Woehr

Re: z/VM V5.4 Information Center link bug

2008-09-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael Forte wrote: The information contained within the information center is the official published z/VM V5.4 GA documentation. To ensure this is looked at for you, I have forwarded this as a Reader's Comment Form (RCF) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] so it will be tracked in

Re: z/VM 5.4 Guide For Automated Installation and Service

2008-09-23 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael Forte wrote: I was able to pull a few strings and have the z/VM V5.4 Guide for Automated Installation and Service, as well as the two summaries, added directly to the z/VM library page. Pull a few more please! Get 'em to post the z/VM 5.4 SMAPI Error Codes that are missing from the

Re: z/VM 5.4 Guide For Automated Installation and Service

2008-09-23 Thread Jack Woehr
Jack Woehr wrote: Michael Forte wrote: I was able to pull a few strings and have the z/VM V5.4 Guide for Automated Installation and Service, as well as the two summaries, added directly to the z/VM library page. Pull a few more please! Get 'em to post the z/VM 5.4 SMAPI Error Codes

Re: Question about FTP to z/VM

2008-09-19 Thread Jack Woehr
Edward M Martin wrote: So I am getting that z/VM FTP can not handle a file without a CRLF from Unix and get it in a readable format?!? -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

Re: Lpar Vs VM

2008-08-27 Thread Jack Woehr
Mark Post wrote: He's already been appointed, but with the far more pedestrian title of Sir Alan, Lord of the Protocols. I thought it was Lord VOLDmort. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle! # - Zippy the

Found a Pig for PigIron

2008-08-22 Thread Jack Woehr
Image of noble porcine PigIron Open Source Java Class Libraries for VSMAPI Three weeks and counting ... whee ... now supporting (in trunk): * CheckAuthentication * ImageActiveConfigurationQuery * ImageQueryActivateTime

Re: changing passwords for BLDSEG, BLDCMS, BLD*

2008-08-20 Thread Jack Woehr
, BTW. :-) Jack Woehr wrote: Dave -- Here's a run of VSMAPI's shared_memory_query: bash-3.00$ java -cp pigiron.jar com.softwoehr.pigiron.functions.SharedMemoryQuery 64532 MYUSER MYUSER Args are: 64532 MYUSER

Re: Sol-390 mailing list created to discuss OpenSolaris for System z

2008-08-20 Thread Jack Woehr
Jon Brock wrote: I thought that was going to be the Marketing arm of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. I thought of them the other day when an elevator door closed vewy, vewy, swowy, with a contented sigh. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the

Re: Linux Commands

2008-08-16 Thread Jack Woehr
Paul Raulerson wrote: I used to teach vi At GunPoint classes, I love it! -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle! # - Zippy the Pinhead

Re: Linux Commands

2008-08-15 Thread Jack Woehr
Gentry, Stephen wrote: I find the man pages marginal as far as helping. Sometimes (small percentage of the time) they provide the info that I need. Most of the time, I'm still left wondering. Examples would help immensely. The man pages in Unix tend to be precise, concise and complete, but

PigIron progress

2008-08-11 Thread Jack Woehr
From The PigIron infrastructure code (recursive creation, writing, and reading of VSMAPI parameters) works. I have implemented two calls in terms of the infrastructure, though these calls will be

PigIron design comments - visit forum

2008-08-06 Thread Jack Woehr
If anybody is interested in PigIron design, the discussion is here: I should have some working code checked in later this week or Monday or Tuesday at the latest. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

Re: PigIron design comments - visit forum

2008-08-06 Thread Jack Woehr
the ambiance of SourceForge. The Developer Forum is apparently intended only for those with checkin power. Instead visit and choose Open Discussion from the Forums menu. I'll post my comments there for appraisal. Jack On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 1:57 AM, Jack

Re: Error in SMAPI Sample Program

2008-08-05 Thread Jack Woehr
Jack Woehr wrote: Alan Altmark wrote: Jack, you need to send in a Reader's Comment Form. e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Posting the fix here won't get the book fixed, I'm afraid. Yes, but posting here Gets the Attention of Alan Altmark Who Knows How to Do It :-) Oops, realized

Flying Pig Need

2008-08-05 Thread Jack Woehr
Any of you VM dudes and dudesses into graphic arts? The PigIron project could use a scalable image (or a couple of images, one big and one icon sized) of a Flying Pig Embracing a z/Series box! It would go, for a start, on -- Jack J. Woehr#

Re: Immediate instructions (was nonames)

2008-08-04 Thread Jack Woehr
McKown, John wrote: Reminds me, vaguely, of putting x'DEADBEEF' in the PSW with the WAIT bit on (hard wait). But I don't remember what system did that. It is now one of my favorite things to put in R15 before abending (S0C1). I suppose you already know that every Java class file starts with:

Error in SMAPI Sample Program

2008-08-04 Thread Jack Woehr
w/r/t Sample Java Program z/VM V5R3.0 Systems Management Application Programming SC24-6122-03 This program does not execute correctly due to misreading the Output Parameters. Here

Re: SMAPI Java library?

2008-08-01 Thread Jack Woehr
David Boyes wrote: There are already Java libraries to front-end Sun RPC, so that would be one way to go about it. You'd have to feed the RPC stubs to rpcgen to get a proper mapping for your system, but that's not unusual behavior for Sun RPC app interfaces. The new SMAPI in 5.3 is not RPC

Re: SMAPI Java library?

2008-08-01 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: The z/VM product does not include a Java class library for SMAPI. Thanks, Alan, for your help. I guess we'll whip such a library together over the next few weeks unless I do anything precipitous like get a job :-) -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

Re: Immediate instructions (was nonames)

2008-08-01 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: The current S/390 Principles of Operations is SA22-7201-08. The current z/Architecture POP is SA22-7832-06. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

Re: Immediate instructions (was nonames)

2008-08-01 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: On Friday, 08/01/2008 at 01:48 EDT, Ward, Mike S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Where did you learn about the LHI instruction. Where did *I* learn? I have, ummm, uhhh, let's just say: connections. :-) My fave is LOAD HALFWORD RELATIVE LONG. Say it a few times and it's

Re: Immediate instructions (was nonames)

2008-08-01 Thread Jack Woehr
Alan Altmark wrote: On Friday, 08/01/2008 at 01:48 EDT, Ward, Mike S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Where did you learn about the LHI instruction. Of course, TROO and TROT are pretty good, too. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle!

Re: DOS attack details in

2008-07-31 Thread Jack Woehr
Mike Walter wrote: Dunno, I'm not an IP (or networking) Wizard, either. Not sure what else might be able to be gathered, but at least TCPIP knows what port was being attacked. Great minds will think of more. Perhaps information for that IP address obtained from NETSTAT CONN? Wizards will

Mainframes vs Woonix

2008-07-31 Thread Jack Woehr
I'd appreciate thoughts on /Mainframe Programming vs. Woonix Programming / I'm probably going to blog more of this kinda stuff and hope that I am making some kind of sense. I don't always :-)

Re: DOS attack details in

2008-07-31 Thread Jack Woehr
Nick Laflamme wrote: The key line there may be, Internet Facing; how many companies put their key systems behind NAT'ting firewalls? Easiest really pretty secure solution: put an OpenBSD firewall between your Big Iron and the Net. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

SMAPI Java library?

2008-07-31 Thread Jack Woehr
Has IBM or anyone wrappered z/VM SMAPI in Java classes akin to how the host servers on i/OS got wrappered by JTOpen? I have not found anything, in particular, no open source project. -- Jack J. Woehr

Re: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 Starter System for IBM System z

2008-07-22 Thread Jack Woehr
Quay, Jonathan (IHG) wrote: Mark and Richard, thanks for the information. I'm new to Linux and come from an IBM mainframe proprietary operating system heritage. I'm slowly realizing that the intended audience for these publications is not the IBM heritage guy, but the Linux guy who's now got


2008-07-21 Thread Jack Woehr
Cheech and Chong in their first (eponymous) album (1971), routine Still Waiting for Dave. You mainframers! Just ask a Unix guy when you have questions like this, Adam Thornton wrote: On Jul 18, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Macioce, Larry wrote: Alan, with your reply of I'm not Dave, but Daves

Re: removing alternate IP address

2008-07-10 Thread Jack Woehr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is there a command to turn this off on the fly or will i have to take the old address out and cycle TCPIP? ifconfig ? -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle! # - Zippy the Pinhead

Re: Afterthought on Trying to Learn z/Linux ISHELL Scripting

2008-06-06 Thread Jack Woehr
Shimon Lebowitz wrote: Can you write it up and post it? Sounds great! In my copious spare time! -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is # half the battle! # - Zippy the Pinhead

Afterthought on Trying to Learn z/Linux ISHELL Scripting

2008-06-02 Thread Jack Woehr
Dave Wade wrote: For most UNIX commands (and many other features of UNIX) the man pages are a great reference. Afterthought in a new week: I'd love to give a seminar or webinar sometime on Unix Bull that Every VM Weenie Should Know. -- Jack J. Woehr# Self-delusion is

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