Ref:  Your note of Fri, 19 Oct 2007 07:29:11 -0400 (attached)

Dale asked:
> Speaking of ads, does the "Take Back Control" commercial on
> really work, or is it a firewall issue here at work?
> It'd be interesting to see that.  When I click on "Watch Video", I
> get a screen to select "Broadband" or "Quicktime Player", but I can't
> get either to work.

The link to it still works, but I had the same problem you experienced.

The video is on the main z site, so I sent a note to the
owner of that site to see if it can be fixed. The other
videos on that site seem to work, so hope it can be repaired.
If not, I'll have to remove our link.  :-(

Pam C

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