Ref:  Your note of Fri, 19 Oct 2007 07:29:11 -0400 (attached)

Dale asked:
> Speaking of ads, does the "Take Back Control" commercial on
> really work, or is it a firewall issue here at work?
> It'd be interesting to see that.  When I click on "Watch Video", I
> get a screen to select "Broadband" or "Quicktime Player", but I can't
> get either to work.

> Pam responded:
> The link to it still works, but I had the same problem you experienced.

> The video is on the main z site, so I sent a note to the
> owner of that site to see if it can be fixed. The other
> videos on that site seem to work, so hope it can be repaired.
> If not, I'll have to remove our link.  :-(


Our z page owner responded to me a moment ago to say that
the video should be working now.  And I also wanted to point
out something that Chuck M mentioned to me.  In the pull-down,
broadband isn't a choice, it's a category and then quicktime player is
the choice under broadband.  Clicking that gets me a few more pop up
questions, and it eventually did work.  Hope that it works for you, too.

Pam C

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