Shimon, see usage note 1 for the FC USRLIMIT command: it tells you that PerfKit 
will associate the user limit values with a user that were set at the time the 
first set of performance data was collected for that user (either PerfKit start 
or first  user logon). Later changes will not affect users that are already 
logged on, sorry ..

Eginhard Jaeger  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Shimon Lebowitz 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:48 PM
  Subject: [?? Probable Spam] PTK USRLIMITS by shifts?

  I set up events to change my PTK settings of USRLIMITS according to shifts.
  The main batch machines are not supposed to be gobbling resources during 
prime time,
  but at night they can run wild. So, while the usual USRLIMIT for %CPU is 30, 
  at 17:00 I want to do FC USRLIMIT <batchuser> %CPU   75 5/10.

  I put several of these commands in an exec with 'FCONCMD FCSTACK',
  and the exec ran. I also did FC USRLIMIT QUERY and verified that the 
  new settings are recognized.

  But... I still get daytime exception messages at night.

  What else do I need to do?


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