Dearest friends and colleagues,

By my (very likely imprecise) count, the last ten posts in this thread have added little by way of technical content to the original topic.

I offer this comment as a gentle reminder that most - perhaps all - of the 881 current subscribers to our little kaffeeklatsch are very busy people. Please be respectful of the time and attention each of our members requires in order to participate in the discussion by restraining the urge to take threads such as this one on a romp through the off-topic briar patch.

My friends, I beseech you: Let it go. Write it if you must, but then carefully step away from the "send" button and instead cache those sparkling gems of wit in the "drafts" folder for some other mailing list, on some other day.

With most kind regards,


Daniel P. Martin -- IBMVM List Janitor

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