Just a reminder that there will be a VM and Linux track at OLF on Saturday. 
Speakers will include Rick Troth from Nationwide, me, and other people you've 
always wanted to interrogate. Fun for all ages. Sept 10-12. 

-- db

> -----Original Message-----
> From: t...@ohiolinux.org [mailto:t...@ohiolinux.org]
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 12:31 PM
> To: David Boyes
> Subject: Ohio LinuxFest 2010 - Registration extended
> Columbus, Ohio -- September 1, 2010 -- Registration for the 2010
> Ohio LinuxFest has been extended through September 8th, and the
> registration contest has also been extended until the 1,000th
> registration has been reached.
> One lucky registrant will win an upgrade to the Supporter Pass, or a
> Professional Pass registration for Ohio LinuxFest 2011 worth $350,
> at the choice of the winner. Full details are available at
>   http://ohiolinux.org/who-will-be-number-1000.html
> Sign up today and have a chance to win!
> Online registration also qualifies attendees for door prizes and
> giveaways the day of the conference.
> As always, the main schedule takes place on Saturday. The schedule
> kicks off with a keynote from GNOME Foundation Executive Director
> Stormy Peters, followed by five tracks of talks from open source and
> Linux experts like Taurus Balog, Amber Graner, Catherine Devlin, Dru
> Lavigne, Paul Frields, and Jon 'maddog' Hall. This year's OLF also
> features a special medical track for those interested in the use of
> free and open source software in medicine.
> The final keynote will be a real treat for Linux and open source
> enthusiasts interested in free media. Christopher "Monty"
> Montgomery of Xiph.org will be talking about next generation open
> source media formats.
> Once again the Ohio LinuxFest is free to all, but space is limited.
> Sign up today at http://ohiolinux.org/register.html If you want to
> support OLF, the organizers have made a supporter package available
> for $65 that includes lunch and an OLF t-shirt. For those who want
> to attend Friday's OLF University sessions, a professional pass is
> also available for $350.
> The Ohio LinuxFest is a grassroots conference for the open source
> community that started in 2003 as an inter-LUG meeting and has grown
> steadily since to become the Midwest's largest open source event.
> It's an annual event for Linux and open source enthusiasts to
> gather, share information, and socialize.
> Best regards,
> The Ohio LinuxFest team

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