Note: This event has a z/OS focus but there are presentations
on zEnterprise, z/VM and Linux on System z.

Attend this free technology update to learn how the latest mainframe
technology can help you use an integrated management approach to running
a more efficient, cost-effective data center.

Join us for a one-day, complimentary seminar, Data Center Operations and
Systems Management Technology Update, and learn more about platform
management synergies. We will discuss how to align System z mainframe
hardware functionality with Tivoli software management solutions and show
you how to get the most from the total solution. This seminar will bring
you up to date on the latest hardware announcements for the mainframe,
including the new zEnterprise z196 and its capabilities for building and
managing workloads in a heterogeneous system of systems. We will discuss
the z/OS V1.12 update, and how it continues to keep applications and data
available. You'll also learn about enhancements to z/VM, IBM's most
experienced and robust virtual machine operating system, and how you can
use it to save money, using Linux on System z to virtualize and
consolidate your environment.

For more information and to register go to

Locations and Dates
West Chester, PA - 04/28/2011
Houston, TX - 5/10/2011
Leawood, KS - 05/12/2011
Waltham, MA - 05/19/2011

Regards, Jim
PS: I am speaking at the Waltham session.

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