This note is from Darryl Goodnight here at Bank of America. I have posted
it with his permission.

From: Goodnight, Darryl
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 11:25 AM

Also an F.Y.I..... I had opened up a feedback with IBM regarding not bein
able to add some COMPIDs to the IBMLink 2000 ASAP application.  According
to the feedback record, the issue was verified and forwarded on to 
ServiceLink development for follow-up. That was back in November 2006 and
I still have not received an updated status.  I did verify that the 
problem still exists and updated the feedback record asking for a status 

but as of yet have not heard back from IBM.

For each of the products listed below, I receive an error message when I
try to add the product to my ASAP profile via IBMLink 2000 . I also  
tried to manually input the compid number but still get the same error 
message (also referenced below). I was able to do it from my IBMLink  
3270 (green screen) logon but that access is currently not available.  
Here's the list of COMPIDs that I am unable to add to ASAP VM profile. 
565511901   A31                    
568411220   440                    
568411220   A44                    
569501302   130                    
569501402   130                    
Here is the error message I receive.             
Working with profiles                  
The were no valid compids to add 

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