I just downloaded PIPESERV, PICKPIPE, and CMS PIPELINES.  I'm trying to
get the basic PIPESERV functions working.

When I issue "PIPE PIPESERV", PIPESERV appears to initialize.  I see the
"loading authorization file" message, Copyright statement, and "ready"
message.  When I issue a command at the console, it's echoed on the
screen and logged in the PIPSRVLG log file but not executed.  I tried
sending a command from the one ID I authorized in the authorization
file, and got the same results (command echoed on screen, logged, not

I tried tracing PIPESERV REXX.  When PIPESERV initializes, it goes to
the "read_stream" routine and the last statement executed is "select
anyinput".  When I enter console input or send commands from the other
ID, nothing appears to happen.  I was expecting to see some trace
activity indicating what it was doing with my commands.

Any recommendations on what I should try?  

Below is PIPESERV's "read_stream" routine in case anyone's interested.

We're running at the following level:

z/VM Version 5 Release 4.0, service level 1002 (64-bit) 
Generated at 09/30/10 14:25:49 EST 
IPL at 11/07/10 07:40:53 EST

CMS Level 24, Service Level 002

/* Stop PIPESERV if console stream has disappeared */ 'streamstate input
if rc < 0 | rc > 8
  then do
    say 'Command connection severed. 'pipeserv' terminating.'
    call TheEnd 4
'select anyinput'                      /* Read any input stream       */
'readto input'
wk = rc
if wk <> 0
  then do
    'select input %cmd'
    'sever input'
    call TheEnd wk * (wk <> 12)        /* i.e. rc -4095 if stalled    */

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