>We upgraded to z/VM 5.2 from z/VM 3.1 a month ago. We have noticed that som
>e printing using RSCS V3.2 appears to take 5 to 6 times as long to send Pos
>tScript data to the XEROX DocuPrint 75 EPS printer then before. I have revi
>ewed all the exec which creates the output and they appear to be working as
> before creating a PS file.  PPS is then used to print the file which conta
>ins %!PS-Adobe-2-0 as the first record. The PS file is about 300,000 record
>s, fix length of 80. This I=92m told is a small file and took about 6 minut
>es for RSCS to send to the printer on this new release which took about a m
>inute on the old system.
>The VM network has changed a little. We are using a VSWITCH instead of atta
>ched OSA card to the TCP/IP stack. I would think this should improve the pe
>rformance. Both RSCS and TCPIP userid are only using 1 % of CPU cycles.
>The RSCS definitions is as follows
>PARM E216LS   EXIT=3DLPRXPSE TCPID=3DTCPIP2 HOST=3D142.214.195.120 PR=3De21

Have you tried tracing the link to see where the delays may be?
Is it between individual sends, or is it a delay in receiving a
response to a receive?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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