(crossposted to Linux-390 and IBMVM, since many folks support either
Linux systems or VM systems or both)


Posting a recent update to SWAPGEN prompted several people to contribute
additional goodies, so I've posted a new version of SWAPGEN (version
0803). The file SWPG0803 MAILABLE will be available for download at
http://www.sinenomine.net/vm/swapgen sometime this afternoon. 


The new version includes some improved error checking and messages to
indicate what happened if SWAPGEN was unable to create the requested
swap disk and some minor improvements for FBA disks. I also got several
comments that using VMARC to package SWAPGEN was too complicated, so
this version is packaged with Phil Smith's MAILABLE package, which
allows you to just download the file in text mode, rename it to SWPG0803
EXEC and run the exec to unpack all the pieces automagically. 


Anyone supporting Linux systems on z/VM should upgrade to this version,
and future versions or your own hacks should be based on this version.
If you make updates, please use the provided source and update structure
so it'll be easy to integrate in the future. 


Thanks to Phil Smith, Dave Jones, and others for their polite comments
and feedback. Suggestions and polite comments can be sent to me offlist.


-- db


David Boyes

Sine Nomine Associates


PS - there will be a major update and reorg of the Sine Nomine WWW site
in the next few days to throw a bone to the marketing and image people
(whips and raw meat on demand no longer work). I think we've pinned down
all the important external references that need to work, but if anyone
notices any important external references that no longer work, please
let us know ASAP and we'll get them fixed. 

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