You can move around VM:Schedule database records to another system if
you want. Just locate the record in the VMSCHED IRBDB and copy it to the
VMSCHED IRBDB on the system you want it. You'll have to make sure the
request owner (and thus, where it runs) exists on the new system. You
should bring down VMSCHED when appending new requests to its database,
then reinitialize it so it will pick up the new, appended requests.  The
only problem I can think of is if the 2 systems have different 'local'
time. VM:Schedule requests are kept in the database in local time. You
can probably still do the append to get the requests over there, you'd
just have to check the run date/time and change that as appropriate. A
query on the request before you move it can give you the information you
need to verify things once the request is moved. 

To rename a scheduled request:
Go to '1 SCHEDULE' screen
 Put the request name in you want to rename
Hit PF5 for COPY function.  It will clear the name out and put
 your new name in.
 Hit PF12 for SUBMIT

Please note that you have to type in a command in order for VM:Schedule
 to bring up the request to be copied.  Once the new copy looks as you
 want it, you can just cancel the old request.
Check 1st run dates and different criteria on the renamed request to be
 sure that everything was carried over/copied correctly.

I hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Graeme Moss
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:12 PM
Subject: VM:Schedule utility


does any-one have utilities that can a
a) rename VM:Sched requests
b) extract VM:Sched requests from system a and add them into system b


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