I discovered yesterday that the old VM Workshop listserv still  exists.  
Please use the following for general workshop discussions.    I'll work with 
Bill to get the message out to others.  This will hopefully  end the other 
Thanks.   Len
send a listserver subscription request to: _LISTSERV@VM.MARIST.EDU_ 
That e-mail should  contain the text: SUBSCRIBE VMWKSHOP  firstname 
The listserver will respond with a request to respond/confirm the  
subscription, after which you will receive any further posts to the VMWKSHOP  
like those on the IBMVM listserver. 
It can’t hurt after confirming that subscription to send   
another command to: _LISTSERV@VM.MARIST.EDU_ 
That e-mail should  contain the text: SET VMWKSHOP NOACK  REPRO FULLHDR 
That command sets your VMSKSHOP subscription  to: 
MAIL  You are sent individual postings as they are received 
FULLHDR  Full (normal) mail headers 
REPRO  You receive a copy of your own postings 
CONCEAL  Your subscription is concealed from non-privileged users; 
note  that posting to the list will reveal your presence 
NOACK  No acknowledgement of successfully processed  postings
In a message dated 6/28/2011 11:30:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
email...@stny.rr.com writes:

Scott, I, too, agree a website would be a useful place  for such 
discussions.  Is constructing such a site something you could  volunteer to do?
----- Original Message -----  
From: _Mike Walter_ (mailto:mike.wal...@aonhewitt.com)  
To: _ib...@listserv.uark.EDU_ (mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU)  
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Varsity Inn North & South & University Plaza  - VM Workshop 

I  can’t speak for the unpaid volunteer organizers of the VM Workshop, but 
that  certainly sounds like a fair and a good idea.   
Mike  Walter 
From: The IBM z/VM  Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Scott  Rohling
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 2:11 PM
To: _ib...@listserv.uark.EDU_ (mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU) 
Subject:  Re: Varsity Inn North & South & University Plaza - VM Workshop  
Maybe the workshop can provide  a website to share such things..   I think 
it's fine to announce these  events here -- but all the attendance, lodging, 
etc type details should be  discussed elsewhere (IMHO).       
Scott Rohling 
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Mike Walter <_mike.walter@aonhewitt.com_ 
(mailto:mike.wal...@aonhewitt.com) >  wrote: 
I’m not so sure…  this is regarding lodging for the VM Workshop.  VM is 
definitely the  direct point of this list. 
My initial  report was to share what I saw in concern for those attending 
the  workshop.  My reply today was to answer the question asked about the  
source of that report.  But I think we’re pretty much done now if that  will 
help you any sleep better… don’t let the bed bugs bite!   ;-) 
(Now I’m all  itchy!)  
Mike  Walter 
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:_ib...@listserv.uark.EDU_ 
(mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU) ] On Behalf Of Scott  Rohling
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 1:09 PM 

To: _ib...@listserv.uark.EDU_ (mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU) 
Subject: Re: Varsity Inn  North & South & University Plaza - VM Workshop  

Gentlemen -- I'm sure there's a better place to discuss  hotels, bed bugs, 

Scott  Rohling 

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