As David posted his note about submitting a requirement for the upcoming WAVV conference, I thought I would forward a note here about the requirements process that was sent to vse-l. Keep those cards and letters coming...

*WAVV is still accepting Requirements for the 2010 conference in Covington, Kentucky*.

The requirement process is the opportunity for users of the z/VSE, z/VM and z/Linux operating systems to make formal requests for enhancements or address functionality issues with a given program product. WAVV accepts requirements for any vendor product executing under z/VSE, z/VM and z/Linux, but makes no guarantee that the vendor will respond.

/This process is for requirements only. Its purpose is not to address bugs or issues you might be having – those need to be addressed between the vendor and yourself./

To view past WAVV requirements, please refer to the following link:

The Requirements session at WAVV will be held on *_Monday, April 12, 2010 at 5:30pm_*. Please note the following cutoff dates and times:

*/Requirements Preconference Cutoff:/*

*_Now - through- April 2, 2010 3:00pm (EDT_**)*

Coordinator for new requirements: <>

*/Requirements at Conference Cutoff:/*

*_April 2, 2010 3:01pm -through- April 11, 2010 11:59pm (EDT) - midnight_*

Coordinator for new requirements: <>

To submit a New requirement for 2010 follow the link and instructions below, /_sending it to the appropriate coordinator based on submission date:_/

The requirement process benefits all users of z/VSE, z/VM and z/Linux. The number of votes for a requirement can have a direct impact on whether it is accepted or not. The more participation and votes the better the chance of getting the requirement accepted.
Rich Smrcina
Phone: 414-491-6001

Catch the WAVV!
WAVV 2010 - Apr 9-13, 2010 Covington, KY

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