While it wouldn't have affected my (lack of) attendance this year, it would have been an obstacle if I could have gone...

Stephen Frazier wrote:
This year WAVV is a little early. I find that it is not as easy to get away at this time as it was when it was later. Personal not work related reasons. I was going to bring this up at WAVV but I realized that the people who have the same problems may not be there. David's comment on VSE-L about not going to WAVV is what made me notice.

Holding WAVV the week before Easter or Passover interferes with those who are preparing for one those holidays. Holding it after the main holiday season would be helpful.

I am posting this to the VSE, VM, and Linux lists to see if others on those list agree with me. As those are the lists where the WAVV organizers are found also they may find some friendly comment useful.


Lee Stewart, Senior SE
Sirius Enterprise Systems Group
Phone: (303) 798-2954
Fax: (720) 228-2321
  • WAVV dates Stephen Frazier
    • Re: WAVV dates Lee Stewart

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