Angie has had a few weeks of "downtime" in the pasture with the herd, just 
getting some very passive, day-to-day handling.  She's the "project" horse we 
got at the end of November who was said to be very nervous, but we haven't seen 
her as very nervous at all.  Honestly, I think she got labeled as "nervous" 
was an unhandled filly, and she was never given a chance to overcome that 
I sent the video clip in a couple of weeks ago of her routine vet check: which was thankfully very boring.

This weekend, she got more individual attention that she hasn't had in a month 
or so.  Here is a little clip of a friend - nameless, unless she chooses to 
reveal herself :) - leading Angie up to a feedbag on the ground, something we 
had never done with her before.  I was quite pleased with her non-reaction.  We 
are going to start her towards saddle training now - if we see that she needs 
more time, we'll give it to her, but I think she's getting ready for a new 
of her life.

Karen Thomas, NC 

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