Someone said that it's hard for Icelandic's to canter, but I don't agree.  I 
think it's hard sometimes for the very PACEY horses to canter, but most 
Icelandics I know seem to canter just fine.  Remember however, that none of 
my Icelandic's have been trained to pace, nor were they trained from the 
get-go for "more speed" like I kept hearing in the Icelandic evaluation 

Here are some Icelandic's cantering, under saddle and at liberty:

Falki, under saddle:   and

Isak, Landi, Skjoni and Falki cantering a little faster (still not what I'd 
call a gallop) at liberty:

Flekka, one of the AERC's 16 listed Icelandic horses (ha!) canters under 
saddle, but her difficulty is more in getting the energy and motivation 
going to move on out:  I think her 
canter "difficulties" are a state of mind issue, not a physical one - she's 
just in no rush to get anywhere!

I have lots of videos of my horses cantering at liberty, especially the 
young ones.  Here are a few, showing several gaits, including some canter - 
even a couple of flying lead changes:

I'll try to get some more videos of our horses cantering under saddle, 
especially Sina and Trausti whose canters are quite different in style - his 
with more "up" action, and hers very flat, but both very comfy and relaxed 
to ride.

Karen Thomas, NC

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